Comments :
1. Keep it civil and stay on topic.
2. Some profanity will be allowed if deemed editorially relevant.
3. No harassment of private citizens will be allowed.
4. Criticism of elected officials is encouraged.
5. If your comment hasn't been posted within a few hours, then it was probably deleted.
I suppose they were driving city vehicles, burning city fuel too?
ReplyDeleteYou're right, their boss should be rode out of town on a rail!
I find it very interesting that the mayor chose not to make public the fact that they are going to make one of their part time employees full time in a way that means anything.
ReplyDeleteThis item wasn't on the agenda in the Sac Sun and it as of 4:59PM an hour and a half before the meeting is not on the website.
The only way to know that this is being decided tonight was to go physically visit the city building.
If the Barb Powell is a good person, this item will be delayed for one meeting so that the public can be made fully aware that this is going to happen.
My prediction is that Barb Powell will choose to slip this one under the radar before the public is fully informed.
Hiring a full time employee to make up for lack of leadership is not the answer. It's time for the department head to step down and quit hurting the taxpayers.
Tax money at work. AWESOME. i would be fired at my job for doing that. They should be too. If it was break time hope they are in their own personal vehicles.
ReplyDeleteWell...were they in city vehicles or in their own????? Who saw them? You should be able to answer this question. And if they were in their own and it was their break time I believe they had a right. If they weren't then citizens should complain.
ReplyDeleteCity vehicle
ReplyDeleteNot on break
source: you're welcome to subpoena me and see if I choose to reveal the source or take the contempt charge ;)
Be very careful when making accusations of this type. Better make sure the employee didn't have a reason to be there. Looking at deer in a field isn't a crime. Most people that see a herd of deer normally slow down to take a look.... Stop making a mountain out of a mole hill.
ReplyDeleteNo shit Sherlock! God forbid any city employee has something to do on the outskirts of town. Let's see...if I were to say I saw Joe Blow looking in windows does that mean he is now a "Peeping Tom?" We take comments as seen on this site like they are the Gospel truth. Wake up people, the Sac News' job is to take a swing a government, particularly that of city government. Way to go TSN!!! Another award winning mocku-mentary!!!
ReplyDeleteI wasn't aware that taking off during working hours is a crime... perhaps it's time to get the county attorney involved?
ReplyDeleteIn any event, my only thought was that the act lacks integrity. You know what integrity is, right? It's that thing that the city council is going to demonstrate a lack of when they create a new full time position and go through all of the legal steps necessary to make it appear that they haven't already decided who is going to get the job.
I think that what's going on is that the Sac City employees are just acting on the example of the city council. How can you expect excellence from the employees if the bosses are rotten?
As far as the "molehill" comment. How about, since you are the one defining it, you tell me exactly how many hours it's OK for Sac City employees to waste before it becomes a mountain.
whoops, you'll have to excuse me from this exchange for a sec while I do my job and take a swing at government, particularly that of city government...
ReplyDelete... by posting some jr. high volleyball scores. :D
They used to catch one former city employee regularly sleeping during his shift at the water plant. It was common knowledge around town and the other employees would joke about it. I don't believe he was ever reprimanded.
ReplyDeleteSmall town mentality. No one does anything because everyone knows everyone. No one wants to rock the boat. People need to stick up for what's right and if someone gets in trouble so be it. Consequences to every action maybe they should have thought about that before doing wrong.
ReplyDeleteWow.. im amazed that anyone is sticking up for the city employees. i can't think of ONE good reason to high five ANY of the people working for the city..not one. i can however think of at least 20 reasons to complain about them, but that wouldnt do any good because i would as well be making a mountain out of a mole hill..i'm glad someone else noticed the good "work" of the city other than me
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me? You can't think of ONE good reason to high five ANY of the people working for the city? There are many reasons to appreciate our city workers. What about when your garbage and/or recycle box is sitting at the curb in below zero weather, WHO picks up your garbage? What about when someone has a gas leak at 2AM in their home? Guess who fixes it? The Gas Department!?
I can't speak for every city employee, but I do know there is one that works his ass off for this city and he doesn't just mow, mow, mow!
well miss Brittany I have many reasons to stand up for the City Employees, could be because I am married to one! Seriously all this because someone stopped to look at deer? With all the complaints on here how come NONE of you are at the council meetings to bring this stuff up? You don't like the job they are doing then I suggest go do the job for them. And I know all of you would do the job so much better and I am sure with less employees as well right. Here is something to complain about, how about all the tax payers dollars that goes into welfare for people that make more money then most...now that is a subject I can get behind! Or how much we as tax payers have to fork out because of our own government with all their wasteful spending, seriously something more that matters then a city employee stopped to look at a dear
ReplyDeleteWell I will high five my brother and several other city employees, altho not all of them. Just like any other working place there is always someone that lets the others do all/most of the work. But unless you work there yourself or have someone you know real well, I doubt that you know wth you're talking about.
ReplyDeleteHere is another fact for you, this same employee that you all are so worked up about wasn't scouting deer they were putting up a gas flag for a 1call. Myabe before you start bashing people some facts should be looked at. I am so with anonymous that said who do you think picks up your trash or better yet when you are knee deep in snow, do you think it removes its self...NO those so called worhtless city employees do that for you so you can go do your all important jobs!! They take care of the library, the pool, snow removal, trash, recycling, sewers, gas calls, water mains or leaks of any type, all parks are taken care of by the city, holiday decorations, street cleaning...the list goes on and on! I will let the cat out of the bag before it gets posted on here there was a city truck in front of my house this morning for about 90 seconds so don't get your panties in a uproar he was here to get tools to put the play grounds equipment together for your kids to play on, yes the city can't afford to buy tools because it will be all over the Sac News if they do!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree Renae not all city employees are worthless
ReplyDeleteAccording to my source, there were two employees, and they were several miles outside of city limits, not merely on the outskirts. I wouldn't report it if it weren't credible...
ReplyDelete...and everyone alraeady knows that the City employees often dick off at home on the clock because we all see it happening routinely. Not news. It should be, but it's not.
Report? More like tattle. This sounds more like a gossip paper then an actual news source.
ReplyDeleteSnow removal my ass...they can't even do that 100%. What about Ahrends street and South 9th street to name a few that were so bumpy from ice that they wouldn't scrape up because it was "too hard for their blades." Isn't that what those machines are built for? I should've sent my $195 bill for a broken tire rod to the city.
ReplyDeleteI would be curious as to where this alleged incident took place? City employees do have to run to neighboring towns for parts/supplies from time to time, and I could certainly see a situation where they were on their to or from a supply run, spotted a few deer, and pulled over to take a look. Nothing wrong with that (oh, I suppose they wasted a couple minutes. Woo hoo.)
ReplyDeleteThen get your ass out there and move the snow by your damn self! If you don't like the condition the streets are in walk! Driving is a luxury. Couldn't do it in 1900. Still had streets though.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the last post!!!! And yes some jobs that the city workers do would really suck!! some of the city workers bust their ass, but some could put a little more effort in to it. I really like it when the garbage guys look though my garbage. YUCK!! and to top it off they took some thing home with them. It was some old trian stuff out of my basement that got wet last spring, but really. NOT COOL. It was not the "NEW GUY" that did it :). another ting is Central Park still looks like it has a sewer leak. I walked down their last night and a pipe that was in the water way was leaking. where is the follow up from the CITY????
ReplyDeleteHa I agree with Anonymous that said it's more like a tattle tale. How about all of you get lives and quit your bitching. If you have a problem with the city workers, how about you call the city office and ask them to quit coming to your house to pick up your garbage, recycling, etc and do it yourself in below zero weather or in a torential downfall.
ReplyDeleteCurtis, did your "credible" source stop and ask these guys what they were doing? Why don't you share with us all who your "credible" source is.
ReplyDeleteIt's too damn easy for people to get on here and complain without putting a name with their post and standing up for what they believe in.
How does looking at deer lack integrity? Are workers not allowed breaks throughout the day?
You all should be thankful for the city employees that take care of Sac City. Are they perfect? No and I'd be willing to say that most of the people complaining about this probably dick off at work too (I'm writing this at work, on the clock).
As mentioned by Steph they do a lot of work that they simply do not get credit for and easily goes unnoticed. People are willing to bitch about it and hide behind a computer screen but aren't willing to do the job themselves.
They seem to forget the hours that go into maintaining the city while they are out enjoying all it has to offer. No one thinks about the sacrifices they make. Obviously they knew of sacrifices they may have to make when they took the job. I'm just saying they give up a lot to put the best interest of the towns people first. They don't think of the nights during the winter they spend away from their family clearing the snow off the streets so the residents are able to be able to drive to the grocery store, church or work.
Whoever the anonymous person was that complaining about snow removal: their job is snow removal that's why they are called snow plows not ice breakers. It costs lots of money to maintain those vehicles. You'd probably complain when it breaks down and there aren't enough trucks on the street.
On a side note, I work for an insurance company, it is your responsibility to maintain proper look out and avoid such bumps, I sincerely hope they city did not reimburse you for your bill.
What I'm trying to get at, is that no matter what these hard working guys do it will never be enough for many of residents of Sac City. Shame on all of you for complaining. The next time the city has an opening for a position, I encourage you to apply.
Was the sleeper [NAME REMOVED]? :) I was little when that was going on...but I vaguely remember hearing about it.
ReplyDeleteJake Beach : People that are willing to talk to me on the condition that they remain anonymous are people that feel the need to report something they feel is wrong, but don't want to face the wrath of the Main Street mafia that will then destroy their ability to make a living in the area and further trouble their extended family.
ReplyDeleteYou can call it a conspiracy theory if you would like, but it is still a reality in Sac City, Iowa.
I will continue to protect the identities of anyone that wants to report to me the bad things that happen in any governmental entity.
On the flip-side, I will, (as always) continue to let people praise those same entities, as is in evidence in this thread. I don't understand why those people feel the need to remain anonymous, but that's part of TSN's charm... EVERYONE is welcome to speak their minds in a way that has never existed.
Frankly, Jake Beach, I'm flattered that you felt strongly enough about this topic to come up and allege a real name and comment. You and everyone else should be aware, however, that without actually registering for a Google account, using the name "Jake Beach" or "Stephanie Crabb" is the same as leaving it anonymous. I appreciate the sentiment, but until you have an identifying Google account, you could be ANYBODY and nobody can assume that you are who you say you are. In fact, I think a policy might be forming out of this in which "handles" are not allowed to be the names of real people unless they come in as a registered user. I think that would be safest for everybody. :)
Jake THANK YOU!!! The city workers will never win, if they remove snow then the roads suck, if they spend money on salt and new equipment or the overtime it would take to break all that ice a way then people would complain about that as well, they will never be good enough or do a good enough job for all the anonymous perfect people!! My street sucked as well last year but I didn't ruin any tires. For all you anonymous people give me your name, address and work place so I can come watch your ever move to see if you are doing your job right, you may or may not be paid with taxpayers money but you are paid by someone, lets see if you are doing your best work! Also for those that don't like how the city removes the snow again name and address and I am sure they will let you remove your own! Also for those that don't like the council/city workers my thought is run for city council then, you all have a right to want things to change so do something about it, go to the council meetings, run the next time a seat is up, go see how easy it is to be them!
ReplyDeleteas for you Curt why you would want to encourage people to tattle on others and encourage people to put others down for a job I will never understand. As far as if this is me or not, seriously really how do I know it was you that just posted something, give me a break now when someone isn't a coward and signs their name you want to put it out there that it isn't really them, can you say anything nice about anyone or are you that unhappy in life that picking on others is the only way you feel better about yourself?
Curtis, if you really are Curtis and not a made up google account :) Then this whole thread is unfounded, with no factual information credible or not. I'm not going to take the time to register a Google account just for names sake. If someone disagrees with my statements or wants to contact me, they can. [EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED]. Hell stop by the grocery store ask my mom she'll give you my contact information.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of the grocery store, why are people allowed to park in the fire lane? Is it because its how it's always been? Would it kill people to park in an open spot? Where's the police, Curtis can you check into that?
Some may be wondering, why does [NAME REMOVED] even care he doesn't live here. Well let me tell you I work for a city entity, the Ankeny Fire Deparment. All to often are city workers scrutinized for the job that they do good or bad because its taxpayers money that is paying their wage. To be quite frank, its a terrible excuse in which to bitch.
Again I challenge anyone to apply to be a city worker. Walk a mile in their shoes, it might not be as glorious as you think.
Finally, it's National Fire Prevention Week, now's the time to check your smoke alarms and change the batteries.
For the record, the city is about to post a job listing for a permanent position.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately for any hopeful candidates that may attempt to answer your challenge to apply, the members of the Sac City Council have already decided who they will hire, and there doesn't seem to be a point.
What the city needs are three council people that are brave enough to start firing people when they find cause...
Fire Lane Discussion:
Enjoy ;)
For the record, the person with the handle, "Jake Beach" has independently verified his ownership of the comments labeled as such, including the post that begins "Curtis, if you really are Curtis..."
ReplyDeleteThe removed email is jakebeach@hotmail.com
So to be clear you are saying the City of Sac City is the ONLY place that hires from with in? Most places have to post an ad of some sort for any job but can and a lot of work places do hire from with in and you know it.
ReplyDeleteThe City isn't doing anything that hasn't already been done in other work places! Jake I know Curtis removed your name and your email address, which I find funny but again thank you, you make some great points!
I am sure Curtis knows but if I remember right when the part time position came up this summer there was only a hand full of people that applied, so what does that say for all your anonymous complainers.
Curtis give me a list of those you think need to be fired and why and also why didn't you run for council the last time a seat were up?
1. The point is, it doesn't matter if outside people apply this time, they have already decided who gets the job. The process is corrupt, and the corruption is endemic.
ReplyDelete2. What I said was that the city council needs to be brave enough to start firing people when they find cause.
3. Running for a seat on or allowing myself to be appointed to any of the 18 boards I or one of my reporters regularly cover would be a conflict of interest.
The hiring process for the city/county has been this way for a LONG time. Ya pretty much have to be a relative or good friend to be hired for either. Just look at the history.......and this one time I pray it continues because my brother is an awesome man and very dependable as well (and quiet too, he'll probably want to kill me if, I mean WHEN he hears of this!!!) Like my father, he works his ass off!
ReplyDeleteI also commend Tom C., Jason L., Bryant C., Bruce R., Ron T., Greg B., and Dan J. because they always seem to be very busy. They aren't the ones I have seen standing holding up a shovel or driving around most of the time. And really I don't want to discredit the drivers because I know there are many things that they do that I don't know about.
We do indeed need to just put ourselves into their shoes to know what really is going on. We need to just do that on a daily basis w/ all people to hopefully understand before we judge them for any reason!
The bumpy icy roads were herendous but it was a very unusual winter---get ready because supposedly there is a GOOD CHANCE for this next DECADE to be similar! But hey maybe it won't be so bad now because you that are complaining on here about it can join in and take care of the matters! Great idea there Steph! ;)
People that are not employed by the city do their part by paying their taxes. Are you seriously asking people to keep the streets clear of snow in front of their house? That's ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteImagine yourself pushing your $100 snowblower cleaning off your street the next day after something like the December event. Add to that the fines you will be levied should you not get it done within 24 hours of the event...
Then write back in and give me another reason to vote against you should you run for a council seat.
What kind of person would get your vote?
ReplyDeleteWell I'm sure this thread has provided a lot of good entertainment for those of us "dicking" around while at work! Thanks! Ha Ha!
ReplyDeleteI agree with anonymous (3:52 PM)
We do indeed need to just put ourselves into their shoes to know what really is going on. We need to just do that on a daily basis w/ all people to hopefully understand before we judge them for any reason!
And, excellent points Jake Beach!
And, who ever wrote that the garbage man picked threw your trash-- why do you care!? It's your GARBAGE for a reason-- One mans trash is another's treasure! Just think how happy he probably made a kid with a "new" toy! LOL... just think about it.
Curtis, how much do you personally pay for property taxes? 0 dollars I'll bet.....and you're making money off of making the city employees life's miserable. What a jerk!
ReplyDeleteH--- no I'm not asking the poeple to clean the snow from the streets in front of their homes! That is very ridiculous! I don't think anyone is asking that. I mean, if we have to complain about how it is done then I guess we should just help out, then we would understand. You will never have to vote for or against me for I will never run for a council seat. If I were in there, I am sure the cops would be called because I can be very outspoken! But I do speak the truth. Btw, I DID include my name w/ the above comment altho it doesn't show. I am not afraid to claim what I write. And believe me, I know all too well how people can be in this town.
ReplyDeleteI to had my name removed from a post I put on here, wonder why?? It would be nice if you didn't remove my name this time Curtis. And yes as a matter of fact I do think you wonderful complainers should remove the snow from now on, if the city guys can't do it right then hey who better then all of you who know all and are so much better then everyone else! I pay taxes, I have a job but that doesn't give me the right to attack people. We are suppose to be friends, neighbors, a community but instead you Curtis want us to all be at each others throats. A conflict of interest really Curt isn't that just an easy way of saying you are a hypocrite, you would rather have a website to indulge your need to put others down then stand up and fight for what you say you believe in, or is it because like our United States government you don't want to live by the rules you make like for example, your outline for comments #4-criticism of elected officials is encouraged, don't think you could handle that or what. How about #3 No harassment of a private citizen will be allowed...last I checked the city workers all are private citizens, taxpayers just like you (well maybe not you Curt) they are not elected to their job! Like it or not until you all walk into each and everyone of the council meetings to voice your complaints and run yourself for council or vote none of this will ever change.
ReplyDelete...public employees aren't private citizens until they punch out. Whining about it doesn't make it less true.
ReplyDeleteI seriously cannot believe how much support there is here for the city and their employees. The people I talk to almost all realize the shortcomings of the city staff. There are several examples of similar size towns with half the personnel, and considerably lower salaries, that do a far better job of maintaining, especially the snow removal. Every town around had streets in better shape than Sac City's last winter. They couldn't even find the time to clear snow off the corners onto Main St, let alone the other intersections and alleys. It was downright dangerous trying to get out onto Main, and there's no excuse for that. So I don't need to "walk in their shoes" or "apply for an opening". I have my own job to do, but I know what they do, or should do, and that most of them are far overpaid for what they accomplish.
ReplyDeleteAs far as slamming on Curtis: He, like all of us has good and bad points, and sometimes likes to poke and prod and stir things up, but I feel that overall, this website is a healthy addition to the community.
To the person that brought up the parking at the grocery store: I am with you 100% on that one! It is complete B.S. that so many people that are just plain LAZY get better parking than the handicapped. It's a fire code violation and just plain rude and disrespectful. It really pisses me off to see some perfectly able-bodied lazy-ass park right in front of the door where an elderly handicapped person with enough respect to park where they are supposed to has to walk that much further to get around their car.
Thank you for listening. I've never posted on here before, but these are issues I needed to weigh in on.
Are the city employees not allowed to stop at home on their breaks?????? After all you see county workers at caseys standing around ( also REC )are they not allowed to stop for something to drink either. If they are out doing their calls and have to urinate maybe they should just do it right where they are. I wonder how much guff they would get for that ????? It just never stops....
ReplyDeleteMAN!!! What a lot of bitching!!! The city employees do a great job... but, like anything else in the world, there are those that just like to bitch and stir things up... "poor self esteem" I believe they call it.... why not quit all the bitching and be supportive of the City Employees that do their jobs probably better than you do yours... and with much less pomposity...now i remember why I moved away...everyone thinks they are better than people that they feel are just "the masses"...when in reality it is just those complaining, asses that are causing the problems, not any City Employees...