1. The city of Lake View will be replacing underground and overhead electrical cable in 2011 in various areas. Following is a map with those areas check marked.
2. The following document is the bid sheet generated at the April 1, 2011 opening. Low bids are highlighted:
- Councilperson Steinkamp indicates that his brother has worked with Schoon Construction and likes them.
- City Administrator indicates that Schoon has done work for Lake View and “We feel really good about them.”
- Bill talked to Kainz and found out that they are just a family business that is looking for work, and that all of their references claim they do really conscientious work .
-- They have a 6 man crew.
-- Bill thinks that they can get everything done in two weeks., (barring weather, etc.)
3. Discussion about the financial status of the electrical department.
- “not real good.” There will be $13,000 at the end of March in the electric fund, and another $21,000 in the electric improvement fund.
- if the council wants to do these projects all at once, they would need to give the electric fund a loan from the electric capital fund which has $73,000.
4. Receipt of $65,000 from FEMA is still pending.
- This could help pay for it.
- FEMA has recognized nonpayment of this as a problem situation and will get special mention during this week’s FEMA meeting in Kansas City.
5. The popcorn plant already called in the locate and is ready to go.
6. Other people are expecting service pretty quickly.
7. The city did not take out bid bonds, so the contractors can change their bids after 30 days.
- The city also isn’t obligated to accept the ids if the bids change.
8. Council approves Schoon and Kainz bids.
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