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Tempers flare in Sac City, Iowa as East Sac County School board adopts policy prohibiting school administrators from coaching


In a split roll call vote The East Sac County School board tonight adopted the following school board policies.

East Sac County School Board Policy series 100

East Sac County School Board Policy series 200

East Sac County School Board Policy series 300

Embedded within series 300 is the following new addition:

proposed school board policy change 303 - 9

As you can see, this policy disallows school administrators from being (among other things,) sports coaches. This upset a group of East Sac County constituants who showed up at the April 19, 2011 East Sac County School Board meeting to voice their concerns.

This is the video of that event. It is thirty six minutes and twenty five seconds long.

The policies, including the controversial 303.9 were adopted on a 4-1 vote with ayes from Huser, Rodman, Brotherton and Drost. The lone nay was Wilhelm.

The next school board election, the filing dates of which are from July 11 to August 14, 2011, will go to vote on September 13, 2011.

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Curtis Bloes - Editor