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Facebook commenting FAQ

TSN's use of facebook commenting is decided on a case by case basis. I will always be happy to publicly answer any question about why I may or may not have utilized Facebook Commenting for any particular post. If you can, please include the URL of the post in question - Curtis Bloes

Just curious as to why you are all of a sudden only allowing facebook comments on some of your posts (i.e. the joint school board agenda) There are four anonymous comments and now you aren't allowing anymore unless it's a facebook comment.
Post in question"

In this particular case, it is just to put the brakes on the kind of trolling that happened during the Junior High bullying issue where a single person had the ability to pretend to be numerous people.

The "All of a sudden" is because I just became aware of that particular option. -Curtis

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TSN Commenting Guide


  1. It's his way of censorship only posts what he feels is relevant plus he want to know who is posting it.

  2. Comment removed due to violation of rule #1: Off topic.

    TSN Commenting Guide

  3. Comment removed due to violation of rule #1: Off topic.

    TSN Commenting Guide
