This is the scheduled meeting of the group of about 30 (so far) people who will attempt to deal with the challenges that the highway 20 bypass is creating for the town of Sac City, Iowa. they will meet on April 18, 2011 in the basement of the Sac City State Bank.
There is no further information regarding this event as City, Iowa Chamber/Mainstreet Director Laura Zimmerman does not release information to As a result, the actual date, time and place of this meeting may change without notice.
Additionally, the Sac City Chamber/Mainstreet board does not seem to feel that the public needs to actually watch the conversation that takes pace at this meeting, and TSN's cameras are not allowed in the room.
I'm sure this has nothing to do with the fact that the editor of the second most widely read local news source is a member of Sac City Chamber/Mainstreet and wont be able to release the Chamber/Mainstreet approved version of what happened until nearly eight days after the meeting takes place. ;)