...Farmer's Coop to pay for own repairs...
...Water at eight residences to be shut off...
...Ordinance to keep folks from parking in the street coming...
...Resident claims city targeting only certain breeds of dogs for ticketing...
...City moves forward with plans to purchase new end loader...
...and more!... :)
1. Call to order.
2. Reading of minutes of the previous meeting.
3. Approval of minutes of the previous meeting.
4. Review of treasurer’s report.
- Donation by Pat Peyton?
5. Further reading of portion of minutes that were not read previously.
6. Approval of treasurer’s report.
7. Review of monthly budget.
- I don’t see the $2,500.
-- Won’t be on till next month.
8. Signing of the bills.
9. Reading of the bills.
10. Discussion about specific bills related to water leak issue at Farmer’s Coop and whether to bill them or to cover the bill for them.
- Clerk indicates that if this happened at a residence, the resident would be charged.
-“They are very fortunate we do not charge them for the water.”
- Council will charge them for the repairs.
11. Approval of signatures on the bills.
12. Approval of Oasis Liquor License and use of 2nd street for Gala Days Dance.
- Without discussion.
13. Discussion about replacement entrance sign.
- The city was informed of the need a resolution to put a new town sign in place even if the size and placement of the sign stays the same.
14. Review of resolution 2011 – 01 allowing for new sign.
- The resolution is passed around the room and read silently.
15. Approval of resolution 2011 – 01.
16. Conversation revisiting this issue later in the meeting that addresses how to file the resolution.
17. Mayor reports possible change to Fort Dodge Postal Service.
- Mayor reports that he was informed by former postal “mistress” that the Lytton Post Office may close.
- If the post office is to be closed, It will require a public meeting..
- Mayor suggests that they put together an undated petition to send to Congress should this move be made.
18. Review of delinquent water customer report
19. Council approves shutting off of water at 8 locations designated.
20. City employee report.
- Walnut street is going to be examined to see what is wrong with it.
- Sixth Street needs sealed.
- Going to work on the tile in front of Osbornes which is plugged up.
-- Going to jet it out and run a cam down it to see what’s going on.
-- There may not be enough fall in that line.
21. Discussion about end loader cost comparisons.
- Horsepower is the same on all of the models.
- They come within 2,500 pounds of each other.
- Resale on the Cat will be better.
- You can get financing on all models.
- The cost of tires and other equipment have gone up dramatically.
- There is $50K budgeted for next year.
- The council cannot act on this issue until the next council meet due to open meeting laws.
- City employee likes the Cat.
- Can be used for sanding streets with an attachment.
22. Clerk directed to put consideration of purchase of end loader on the agenda for the May, 2011
23. Mayor’s announcements.
- Lytton to host league meeting at Sac Cattle Company on April 13, 2011 at 6:30, 7:00PM to eat.
- Grip and grin photo of mayor accepting Endowment Fund Grant money on April 6, 2011.
- Mayor addresses “sound off” article in Lytton Crier about selective dog breed enforcement.
***Video cuts off here for a few minutes, also discussed were:
-- Junk cars.
-- Burning leaves on the blacktop.
-- Mayor to possibly write letter in Town Crier.
24. Discussion about citizen who parks in the travel portion of the streets.
- Nothing can be done about people parking in the travel portion of the street until the town creates
an ordinance against it.
- Discussion about having attorney draft an ordinance to the effect that people are not allowed to park in the travel portion of the street.
- Concern about enforcement during auctions, (for instance,) expressed.
25. Expanded discussion about property lines.
26. Adjournment.
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