1. Call to Order.
- Potthoff absent.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Amendment of agenda to exclude Steve Nuitzman issues.
4. Amended agenda approved by roll call.
- Unanimous
5. Minutes of February 21, 2011 meeting approved.
- Unanimous.
6. Discussion about the bills.
- Reimbursement to mayor for a training.
- DGR bills.
-- 54,072.73.
7. Bills approved.
- Unanimous.
8. Discussion about placing an ad for a property on Sherwood Ave.
- Council decides to put out a request for sealed bids from March 3, 2011 April 8, 2011 to be opened at the April 11, 2011 meeting.
9. Citizen called and reported a large rat that is scaring her cats in the vicinity of the property at which she lives.
10. Skunks were witnessed going in and out of (citizens named in video) garage.
- According to mayor there is a “considerable amount of garbage” built up on that property and he seems to feel that, that is what may be attracting the skunks.
- Mayor instructed to speak with citizens personally before initiating nuisance abatement proceedings.
11. Cookies lift station.
- Been trying to get it working for the last four days.
-- not enough head pressure in existing pumps.
-- Bottom of tank rusted out, gravel coming in.
--- Patched up on February 28, 201 and the rock that was intruding into the tank will no longer get into the impellers.
- May cost $40K for a new tank and pump.
- Possible $4k or $5k to dig it in.
- Station was installed around 1973, and rebuilt with new pumps about ten years ago.
- the council took no action.
12. Lake Lanes liquor license was renewed.
- unanimous.
13. Discussion about the fiscal year 2011, 2012 budget.
- Morrow points out specific but minor items that are incorrect.
-- Morrow asked to come in and help with those adjustments before noon tomorrow so it can be published in time.
--- To be done following meeting.
14. Council sets public hearing for budget for March 14, 2011 at the regular meeting.
- unanimous.
15. Three Degrees has placed a bid for extra electricity generated by the windmill at $1.00 per megawatt hour.
- This is down from $3.00
- It would be about $2,000 per year down from about $6,000.
- Bid accepted.
-- unanimous.
16. Rob Renze has an up and coming skid loader refurbishing business and want to use the airport hangers.
- He buys low and sells high generally, but sometimes they involve a little shop work which is what he would like to purchase part of the airport for.
- He would also like to offer skid loader attachments.
- Would like to purchase the entire building.
- Renze directed to examine the hanger more closely to see if it will suit his needs.
17. Citizen claims this year’s electric bill higher than this year’s
Rob Germann investigated.
-- Meter is in good working order.
-- This year’s bill is actually lower than last year’s.
- Council directs clerk to send a letter noting the findings.
18. Council chats about a comparison chart showing peak usage months in various regional towns.
- blends into discussion about natural gas charging schemes.
19. Discussion about location of upcoming social function.
20. City of Wall Lake given permission to dump lagoon.
21. Discussion about upcoming interviews for city clerk position.
22. Adjournment.
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