VIDEO – February 28, 2011 Sac City Council Meeting
1. Call to Order.
2. Roll Call.
- All council members present.
3. Welcome of visitors.
4. Approval of consent agenda.
-Agenda approved.
- Minutes of the February 14, 2011 meeting.
- Receipts and Disbursements.
-- Unanimous.
5. Mayor Powell opens public hearing to discuss the 2011 – 2015 capital improvement plan.
- Has not changed since the last time.
- Discussion about using farmers to contract hauling sludge away to save money.
-- It was tried in 2008, and didn’t work.
-- It may be a more lucrative product when the plant is retrofitted.
-- Council will take a closer look at it when it comes up.
6. Hearing closed.
- Unanimous.
7. Final approval of 2011 – 2015 Capital improvement Plan.
- Unanimous.
7. Mayor Powell opens public hearing to discuss the fiscal year 2011 – 2012 budget.
- finance committee pretty frugal going through anything.
-- Community requests were lowered by a little bit.
8. Hearing closed.
- Unanimous.
9. Final approval of fiscal year 2011 – 2012 city budget.
- Unanimous.
10. Citizens opportunity to address the council.
- None
11. Approval of permit for Sac Liquor Store.
12. Reappointment of Michelle Suggitt to the Revolving Loan Fund Committee.
- Two year appointment.
- Unanimous.
13. Appointment of Renee Stroud, Earl Hardisty, and Milo Lines to the Fine Arts Council.
- Four year appointment
- Unanimous.
14. Appointment of Kurt Mentzer to the Board of Adjustment.
- Five year appointment.
- Unanimous.
15. Appointment of Sammy Bruce to the Sac Community Center Board.
- two year appointment.
- Unanimous.
16. Appointment of Arnold Thomas to the Planning and Zoning board.
- Five year appointment.
- Unanimous.
17. Discussion about appointment.
- It’s difficult.
- There are more people lined up to take the place of future openings.
18. Sac City Council fails to overreact to concealed carry laws.
- Two weeks ago the council discussed drafting a resolution prohibiting weapons on public property.
-- It is against state statute to put an ordinance into effect.
-- Council decides to adopt a wait and see attitude on the advice of the Chief of Police.
19. Spring clean up week set for April 25, 2011 to April 29, 2011.
- Will be the week following the city wide garage sale.
- Bob Scheffler will come up with how much it will cost for a future meeting.
- Unanimous.
20. City Administrator directed to send out request for proposals for the street improvement project due by April 22, 2011.
- There are roughly 15 engineering firms that the city administrator has talked to over the course of the last year (roughly) that have expressed interest in this project.
- Serious applicants will have to schedule a time to review the roads priority list with the city office.
- Proposals are due on April 22, 2011.
- Unanimous.
21. Discussion about garbage truck replacement options.
- Two years ago the council took no action.
-- Bob Scheffler advised that the truck would last a couple of years at that time.
- A new lease for a truck would cost about $14K more than what the garbage department brings in.
- The council took bids in December 2008 for private contractors.
-- Commercial service, yard waste, special pick-ups, assessment costs from the landfill, and administrative activity would still have been the responsibility of the city with those bids.
- 75% of the commercial customers paid $19.00 per month.
-- The fee the private contractors would charge is considerably higher.
- There was a clause in the private contractor’s bids that would allow for a fuel surcharge.
- Motion made by Johnston to go out for requests for quotes for moth outright price and lease option for garbage trucks.
-- Frederick questions why so quick without doing an analysis.
-- Johnston amends motion to include a cost analysis. Motion carried unanimously.
22. Simon Estes Concert scheduled for April 27, 2011 7:00PM at the East Sac County middle School in Sac City, Iowa.
-- There are four sponsor levels of $100, $250, 5$00, $1000.
-- Tickets go on sale on March 1, 2011 at the middle school.
-- They are at $12,000 and need to meet a goal of $15,000 to sustain the scholarship and the cost related to the concert.
-- Concert will probably sell out quickly.
23. Library.
-- No discussion.
24. Sac City Council to revisit question of switching recycling services to Carroll Recycling in two weeks.
- Will be charging more money per person due to the lower census count.
- All of the excess cash will be spent to develop the new cell.
-- The county has to come up with a way to raise $350K for the next cell.
-- Carroll Recycling charges $20 per ton, Howard Center will charge $100K+ this year.
--- Frohardt suggests switching to Carroll Recycling so the landfill doesn’t have to increase the per person assessment to build that next cell.
-- DNR keeps changing the rules for how to build new cells and it keeps getting more expensive.
- City Administrator noted that the Carroll Recycling Center does take clothes but does not take plastic bags.
- Carroll Recycling has not raised their rates for a “long time”
-- They can get more lucrative contracts due to their size.
- Mayor Powell suggests calling a meeting of the mayor to get a feeling of what people want to do.
- There is the possibility of using a space at the landfill as a transfer center.
- Brenny suggests that the whole county should address the percentage of recycling they do to lower the cost of trash.
-- Recycling will be forced on us at some point.
- Council agrees to revisit issue ion two weeks.
25. Corporate Challenge through the community Center.
- Getting a lot of really interest.
-- Two people representing the city.
26. Adjournment.
- Unanimous.
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