Minutes of the Regular Joint Meeting
Wall Lake View Auburn Community School District
And Sac Community School District
Boards of Education
January 12, 2011
The joint meeting was called to order by Brotherton at 4:45 p.m. in the East Sac County High School. Present were Brotherton, Drost, DeBourgh, Mahannah, and Rodman. Supt. Fiene and 4 visitors were also present. The Sac Board was called to order by Phillips.
DeBourgh moved to approve the agenda as presented, Rodman seconded; motion carried 5-0. The Sac Board approved the same agenda.
The consent items were presented for approval. Rodman moved to approve the bill to Albrecht Oil, DeBourgh seconded; motion carried 4-0, Drost abstained. Drost moved to approve the bills to Lake View Lumber and Wall Lake Lumber, Rodman seconded; motion carried 4-0, Brotherton abstained. DeBourgh moved to approve the remaining consent items, Drost seconded; motion carried 5-0. The consent items included the December Financial Reports, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 13, and bills on account of $490,646.68. The Sac Board also approved their consent items.
The East Sac County School Mission Statement was read.
Dr. Fiene reported on projects being considered in the district: ICN room removal at the high school, technology updates, and security updates in all buildings.
The Sac Board appointed Jon Judisch to the Kids’ World Board.
The Sac Board appointed Brent Wilhelm and Marti Huser to the Kids’ World Executive Board.
Drost moved to appoint Mahannah to the Sac County Conference Board, Rodman seconded; motion carried 5-0. The Sac Board appointed Brent Wilhelm to this Board.
Mahannah moved to accept the resignation and application for early retirement from Steve Trost and thanked him for many years of service to the district, DeBourgh seconded; motion carried 5-0.
The Sac Board approved a contract for Kelli Schmidt as associate.
The next meeting is set for 5:30 on February 17th at the ESC Elementary School-Sac City.
Drost moved to adjourn, Mahannah seconded; motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 5:30.
President______________________________ Secretary___________________________
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