The following is a tentative agenda for the January 24, 2011 council meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m. at the City Municipal Utility Building. The tentative agenda may not represent the full agenda and is subject to change with additions or deletions. The tentative agenda as of
January 13, 2011 is:
I. Call to Order.
II. Approval of Agenda.
III. Approval of the Minutes of the January 13, 2010 Council Meeting.
IV. Receipts and Disbursements.
V. Citizens Opportunity to Address the Council on Items Not on the Agenda.
VI. Consideration of Final Proposed Budget Recommendation by the Finance Committee.
VII. Discussion of Final Capital Improvement Plan as Proposed by finance Committee.
VIII. Consideration of Final Acceptance for Sanitary Sewer Main/Lining Improvements Project.
IX. Consideration of Approving Draw Down #9 of SRF Loan Money in the Amount of $49,775.33 for Sanitary Sewer Main/Lining Improvements Project.
X. Consideration of Approving Van Hauen & Associates’ Bill in the Amount of $44,778.33 for Sanitary Sewer Main/Lining Improvements Project.
XI. Consideration of Approving Snyder & Associates’ Bill in the Amount of $4,997.00 for Sanitary Sewer Main/Lining Improvements Project.
XII. Committee and Department Head Reports.
XIII. Council Forum.
XIV. Adjournment.
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