1. Superintendant wants the new roof on the Sac Elementary school to be complete for the start of class in the fall of 2011.
- He feels that this has been an issue for long enough and hiring an outside consultant makes sense, even if it costs a little more money.
“Oh, I got a LOT of questions” – Dave Sands
2. Dave Sands makes a motion to fix the roof WITHOUT hiring a consultant. (to do it the way it was done originally)
- Bellcock seconds the motion.
3. Superintendent defends using an outside consultant.
- Will move forward however the board wants.
4. Brent Wilhelm points out that they saved money for the last 6 years to put a pitched roof on the building and is of the opinion that that is still a good idea. He would lke to hear what an outside consultant has to say about that option. He would vote for the portion of Sand’s motion to do the roof the same way as it is now if a consultant rules out putting on a pitched roof. In any event he wants to explore all of the options before making the final decision on how to proceed.
5. Shirley Phillips expressed concerns about drainage should the board ultimately decide on a pitched roof. She also expressed concern about spending $16,000 on a consultant only to have them possibly recommend that they put the same roof on as they have now.
6. Secretary clarifies motion as “To repair the roof with the same type of roof as it is currently installed”.
7. Shirley Phillips starts to back pedal.
8. WLVA board members Brotherton and Rodman who are also on the ESC board, and will inherit the building in 2011 chime in with their opinions that they would be opposed to this motion, if it were up to them.
- $16,000 is a lot of money, but against a backdrop of a total project cost of nearly half a million, it is not that much.
9. Bellcock starts to back pedal.
10. Motion fails:
Aye – Sands.
Nays – Phillips, Wilhem, Bellcock.
11. Motion by Wilhelm and seconded by Bellcock to accept the bid of $16,800.00 from Benchmark for specification and bid services as recommended.
12. Motion carried:
Aye - Wilhelm, Bellcock, and Phillips
Nay – Sands
Benchmark Service Agreement
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