Dave Sands is a Sac School Board Director, and he has noticed that the grading scale at East Sac County School is more relaxed than in times past. According to Sands, and nobody in attendance at the December 13, 2010 Joint East Sac County (ESC) School board meeting disputed this, a student attending ESC will be given a D Minus if they have a score of 70% on any particular graded item.
According to Sands, who used to teach at Sac Community School, Students were awarded a D Minus at 75%. He pointed out that the trend seems to suggest that a D Minus is could be relaxed as low as 60% and is headed for 50%.
Sands said, “I would like to express that it bothers me.”
The Wall Lake View Auburn and East Sac County School Boards President Chuck Brotherton told Sands that it would bother him as well, “…If I found that a lot of our graduates who were going on to [college] were having trouble succeeding, but I don’t find that to be the case.”
East Sac County School utilizes Iowa Central Community College’s grading scale.
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