One question. Did anyone drive in Lake View last winter after we had all the snow and ice? Well I did. Sac City's road department is years behind a smaller town. Maybee it the personel. I don't know. May be it is how it is managed? Point being Sac City the county seat of Sac was shown up by Lake View and many other smaller towns in the area. What the H_LL!!!
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The timing of the storms hurt us badly last year - a lot of the major storms were on Friday evenings or weekends - times when putting the trucks out to clear the roads meant overtime. Any time the city has to pay overtime to the workers, people raise holy hell about that, so it's a lose-lose. Keep the trucks in, and let the roads get bad, or put the trucks out, and catch hell for costing overtime.
ReplyDeleteIt's also a smaller town. That has fewer roads to clear. By your logic a City like Omaha should be great at clearing roads yet they get a ton of complaints about roads not bieng plowed.
ReplyDeleteJack DeBourgh and his crew are simply the best! They always have the streets cleaned up by 7AM, Friday nights, weekends, holidays, you name it. We have never had to wait to get out and about. I think I'll by 'em another gallon of whiskey this year.
ReplyDeleteWhen you are working with antiquated equipment and staff shortage what do you expect. You get what you pay for. If the big snow blower isn't replaced before it dies or kills someone it's only going to get worse. But of course it will be a frikin emergency before that happens. Whatever happened to a little forethought. Just like the garbage truck 18 years old and is held together with bailing wire get it replaced before one of the employees get hurt or killed, it's a lot cheaper than a million dollar lawsuit. It's time the council get off their butts and spend a little money instead of trying to outsource everything. You have to spend money to make money. I will bet you the council will look at out sourcing garbage again, what a waste of time it has been done 3 times move on to something else.
ReplyDeleteGranted Taxes have been decreased the last two years but at what cost? Less employees = less work getting done, sewers are not being cleaned, streets not being maintained, more overtime being paid, no plan for highway 20 being moved because the council is afraid they may piss someone off or one of their friends. Hey and I am just getting started more later.
One way to make things better in our community would be to have positive thoughts. Just once I would like to see a compliment given.
ReplyDeleteJust a tid bit of info. People that are on salary and go out for these storms on weekends do not get overtime. Some get Comp time and others are asked to DONATE their time back to their employer. Hats off to these people who work those long hours with no rewards except a Thank you from the public. Pricless!!
ReplyDeleteOdebolt also does a much better job of snow removal, with 2 full time and 1 or 2 part time. They go back and clean the corners, and do it all much timelier than Sac City. I also know of another town around 2,000 people that operates with 3 full time and 1 or 2 part time. Granted, they outsource gas and garbage, but it still kind of blows the "staff shortage" B.S. out of the water. How many employees does Sac City have? This town I'm referring to also operates with only 2 office personnel - City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk, with a very involved and active mayor. This town also has more commercial and manufacturing than Sac City. The idea of Sac City having a staff shortage is absolutely absurd, and actually fairly infuriating. Some of the equipment repair and maintenance and such would be much more cost effective to farm out, not to mention the time-wasting that myself and several people I've talked to have observed. One example includes the fact that I know of a time where at least one employee, probably two for part of the time, spent all day doing a brake job on a pickup, when it could have been done out at Domino's in probably an hour. I don't necessarily blame the individuals, it's a situation that is infused into the whole city government, and needs adjustment from the top down.
ReplyDeleteWell i hate to say if it took someone all day to do brakes on a pick-up there must have been major problems ! I know a guy that can put brakes on a pick up, car, truck, or whatever in no time at all. Were you there to observe this so called all day task or did they stop and do other things also ??? Just wondering ????