1. Call to Order
2. Approval of minutes of the September 27 meeting.
3. Approval of agenda.
4. Sac County Supervisors address question about when and if the county has to take over abandoned properties.
- According to the Supervisors, they are not forced to assume ownership of these properties.
The following video is of further conversation that took place about this topic later in the meeting.
More discussion…
5. Approval of Claims.
Payroll Caims
Claims Listing
Oct 5 2010 Claims Listing
6. Sac County Sheriff’s request to begin looking for new deputy to replace one who resigned approved.
- The resignation was the department’s drug recognition expert.
7. Approval of Sheriff’s Quarterly Report
Sheriff;s Quarterly Report:
7. Retroactive Reappointment of Frank Strain to the Region XII Council of Governments Regional Housing Authorities Executive Board of Commissioners for the period October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011.
8. Approval of quarterly transfers.
Quarterly Transfers
9. Sac County Engineer’s Report.
- Pretty big divots on 230th by Wall Lake.
-- Engineer asked to keep an eye on it.
- Big hole on the edge of airport road.
- M43 box culvert project complete.
- M35 bridge project to be in the November letting.
- Ten Point Construction plans to start patching on PC roads.
- Pipe for Coon Valley Sec. 7 project ordered.
-- Could be installed yet this fall.
10. Highway 20 update.
11. Citizen wants to vacate streets near Grant City.
12. Citizens wants street in Ulmer vacated.
13. County employee is recovering from surgery.
- Is on a soft diet but does respond to work related issues via phone.
14. Chit chat about future agenda items.
15. Adjournment.
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