SAC CITY, IOWA – JUNE 21, 2010
I. In May, East Sac County sent in the application for preschool funding.
A. It was approved by the Department of Education.
B. The funding is for $102, 364.00
1. This does not fully fund the program but is 25K more than the supe anticipated.
C. The program is exclusively for 4 year olds, which means 5 year olds cannot be in the program.
II. If the program were to start on June 21, 2010
1. It’s a 20 to 1 ratio of students to associates.
a. There could be up to 40 students in each town before associates would have to be added.
b. The school never really knows how many students there will be in pre-school until august sign-up.
c. The more four year olds that sign up, the more funding the school will have next year.
2. It is the belief of the school that zero children identified in the above chart are Special Ed.
3. The school is working with head start to attempt to get the four year olds in that program to attend preschool for the other part of the day.
III. Supe recommends single teacher teaching AM in one district and PM in another district so that the children don’t have to travel.
A. Another teacher could be added should the need arise.
1. Maybe the advertisement for this teacher should ask for early childhood Special Ed licensed teacher.
C. Motions by both boards to advertise for position with Special Ed preferred.
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