SAC CITY, IOWA – JUNE 21, 2010
I. The DE reported 4 areas of non-compliance.
A. Career education content for 7th and 8th grade not in compliance.
1. Corrective action: 7th and 8th graders will begin to have access to career exploration materials.
a. It will begin in August 2010.
b. It will be taught by Larissa Rupnow
B. District has no qualitatively differentiated program for identifying gifted and talented education (GTE) students.
1. The district has a K-8 program but not a K-12 program.
a. 9-12 program doesn’t do enough to differentiate what is offered between GTE and Gen-Ed students.
2. Corrective action: Develop a GTE program for 9-12.
a. Will begin during the 2010 – 2011 school year.
C. District does not implement it’s evaluation procedures for all administrators.
1. Corrective action: Review evaluation procedures with the school board.
a. Will begin during the 2010 – 2011 school year.
D. There is no Career Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Committee
1. CTE = Vocational Education
2. Corrective action: CTE instructors are identifying individuals from various stakeholder groups to serve on a comprehensive advisory committee
a. First meet will be September, 2010.
b. About half of the committee is assembled as of June 21, 2010.
C Will begin in 2010 – 2011.
II. The plan of action has been submitted to the DE.
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