1. Call to Order.
- Jack Bensley, Rick Hecht, and Dean Stock present.
2. Minutes of the May 18, 2010 meeting approved without challenge.
3. Agenda amended to include the addition of a discussion about a transfer of a vehicle from the Sheriff’s Department.
4. Agenda Approved.
5. The Supervisors directed the County Auditor to reassign a vehicle (2007 Chevy impala) from the Sac County Sheriff’s Department to the Sac CPC’s office.
6. The Supervisors have decided that it is time to replace the boiler in the portion of the courthouse they refer to as the “New Edition.” They have just this year committed to replacing the boiler in the old section. The purchase price of the new boiler will be Twenty Eight Thousand dollars.
7. 2010 budget amendment hearing was opened.
Changes in the current budget include a total revenue increase outlined in the amendment that was submitted to the Sac Sun was $310,494.00. After publication, an additional $10,000.00 was found making that total revenue adjustment $320,494.00. The additional revenue is actually an addition to a grant from the State of Iowa to the Sac County Veteran’s affairs.
Total expenditures were amended an additional $404,926.00. This equals a difference of, or total increase of 84,432.00. On a 10.8 million dollar budget, this is a less than a 1% increase.
The Supervisors voted to close the hearing.
The budget amendment was approved unanimously.
8. The supervisors chose to purchase additional work comp coverage for volunteers (Ambulance crew in Schaller, Hagge Park Night hike volunteers, etc.) It will cover up to $25,000 per incident. It will add $10 per volunteer to the counties total work comp premium to buy this coverage.
The supervisors voted to renewal of the current work comp coverage with the addition of an extra $200.00 for volunteers bringing the total premium to $97,032.00.
9. Sac County Point Coordinator report, (Lisa Bethune).
- Mallard view in Carroll, Iowa raised their rates. The supervisors signed off on the rate increase.
- CPC office received no calls for case management.
- An individual was recertified as a Sac County resident. This means that Sac County has to pay for any services that individual received that were in code. This individual used to be a resident of BV county.
- The county has been force to bill in 15 minute intervals instead of in month increments. The county did not know if they were going to cash flow this while having a full staff, so they did not fill a case manger position. On May, 25, 2010 hey voted to replace that case manager to keep up with the caseload.
- The cost report was presented to the Supervisors. The following are some highlights of the cost report:
They spend $125k per year for salaries.
The supervisors only pay 27% to 35% of the total cost.
Health benefits currently cost $25K. This figure will go down as staff is replaced in the coming year.
Retirement went up a little bit.
FICA went up.
Supplies went up a little bit due to an extra person on staff.
Recruitment cost is going up on the anticipation of adding a new case manager.
The bottom dollar unit cost is $23.90. If a case manager is added, that will increase the unit cost to $26.41.
- The supervisors voted to direct chairman Stock to sign two cost reports.
- The supervisor voted to direct the CPC to hire a new case manager.
10. The following is a copy of the Sac county Engineer’s report. Item 5 was discussed in depth. (see video)
11. An investigation into a tile repair was approved.
It is too bad they did not address the Vet's Memorial Project with Memorial day upcoming. That project is in some desperate need of support to get finished. Hard to believe the contractor was paid up front, wouldn't finish the job, and has left them in the hole so they can't get finished. I understand the contractor took money for materials he didn't even order and then didn't pay for some he did use, like the concrete! Incredible someone would do that with money donated by families to honor our Veterans. They deserve better than this, especially on Memorial Day.