May 25, 2010
Board Room
10:00 AM
The Sac County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with all members present, Dean Stock, Chairman, presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.
It was moved by Bensley and seconded by Hecht to amend the agenda to discuss a vehicle assignment. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Bensley to approve the agenda as amended. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Bensley to place a 2007 Chevrolet Impala, which was formerly a sheriff’s vehicle, in the CPC / case management department. Ayes all, motion carried.
After further discussion regarding the boiler in the courthouse addition, it was moved by Bensley and seconded by Hecht to accept the proposal submitted by Carroll Controls to replace the current boiler at a cost of $28,950. Ayes all, motion carried.
At 10:15 AM, as advertised, the Chairman opened the public hearing to consider an amendment to the current county budget. There was no one from the general public to support or oppose the amendment. The County Auditor reviewed the amendments by service area for expenditures and revenues, and noted that a $10,000 grant to Veteran’s Affairs had been left out of the proposed revenues. The corrected amendment shows a net increase in expenditures of $84,432.00, or .6% in crease in total expenditures.
It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Bensley to close the public hearing. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Bensley and seconded by Hecht to approve the amendment to the current budget. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Bensley and seconded by Hecht to approve renewal of the County’s worker’s compensation coverage through the Iowa Municipalities Workers Compensation Association for 2010/11 and add non-statutory volunteer medical payments coverage. Ayes all, motion carried.
Lisa Bethune, Sac/Ida CPC, introduced LaDonna Rasmussen as the new office manager for the Sac CPC office and several other items for discussion.
It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Bensley to direct the Chairman to sign the 2010/11 projected case management cost report for Sac County. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Bensley to authorize the CPC to hire one additional case manager subject to the approval from the Ida County Board of Supervisors. Ayes all, motion carried.
The County Engineer updated the Board on activities of the county road crews and the status of current maintenance and construction projects.
The Board was informed that Kim Toliver had accepted the offer for the position of office manager for Secondary Roads and she will start full-time on June 1.
It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Bensley to approve a proposed tile investigation in Jt. DD 2 & 51, Main Tile, located in Section 12, Cedar Twp, Sac County in the amount of $800.00. Ayes all, motion carried.
With there being no further business, on motion, the meeting was adjourned.
Secretary S/ James W. Dowling Chairman
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