Sac County Extension Council Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2011
The regular monthly meeting of the Sac County Extension Council was held on Monday, March 14, 2011, at the Extension office meeting room in Sac City. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Steve Determan at 7:03 p.m. with the following Council members present: Dave Cook, Steve Determan, Kitty Drey, Dave Nees, Dennis Berry and Reggie Voyles The following Council members were absent: Lynnette Aschinger, Ellen Buehler and Ellen Pickhinke. Others in attendance: Jerry Chizek, Regional Extension Education Director and The Sac News.
Dave Cook moved to approve the consent agenda which included the staff narrative reports and the minutes of the February 22 meeting. Dave Nees seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Dennis Berry moved to approve the Treasurer’s report and vouchers #2463 to #2489. Kitty Drey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Holly Van Heel, Family and Nutrition Program Specialist communicated with the Council via web cast. Some of the things she talked about were ServSafe, Child Care and childhood obesity.
Personnel Committee will be doing Staff Reviews in April and updating the Personnel Policy.
Steve Determan reported on IACEC. There will be a Legislative Day in Des Moines on Wednesday March 16.
Family Storyteller program will be starting at the end of the month. Local Foods had a meeting on Monday the 7th of March in Storm Lake. There will be a Community Garden in Lake View and Sac City.
The ad for the Summer Aide will be coming out in the paper in March and the list of duties is being looked at. The Fiscal Committee will be looking at the Office Lease we have with Milo Lines. Lisa and Steph are working with Mercy Medical and setting up a day in June for Car Seat Safety Day. There will be a Legislative Coffee held in the Sac County Extension Office on April 9th from 10 am to 11 am. Jerry Chizek Region 6 REED will be having his review. Any comments on this can be directed to Steve Determan.
Jerry Chizek gave a slideshow on Council Civil Rights. The Council decided to table the Extension Council and Staff Marketing subject until Jerry gets input from the state. Reggie Voyles made a motion to support the Feed the Farmer program will be starting again and the cost will be $133 per county in Region 6, provided the other counties follow suit.
The next meeting was scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Reggie Voyles moved to adjourn the meeting. Dave Nees seconded the motion. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned.
Reggie Voyles, Secretary
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