1. Call to order.
- All members present.
2. Approval of agenda.
- Unanimous.
3. Approval of minutes of the previous three meetings.
- Unanimous.
4. Approval of bills.
- Without discussion.
- Unanimous.
5. Council discusses city insurance quotes.
- “Al” addresses.
-- Outline of reasons the insurance will see an increase.
- Discussion about workman’s comp.
-- Discussion about specific claim from a volunteer fireman for which litigation may be pending.
-- This issue is the primary thing driving the insurance increase.
- Discussion about general liability.
- Council chit chats with Al.
6. Approval of Resolution 11.12 approving accepting insurance quote.
- Unanimous.
7. Rick Crawford asks to combine the major/minor league Odebolt Arthur baseball boys to Ida Grove Community Rec Center.
- OA is short on numbers.
-- Would only have ½ of a major team and ½ of a minor team.
- If approved at least one Odebolt - Arthur person will be on that board to represent the interests of OA.
- The Ida Rec Center will expect an annual donation.
- Games will be played in Battle Creek and Odebolt, with each team’s games and practices half a year at each location.
- Council offers letter of support to Mr. Crawford, but want to see how the hiring process goes before making a commitment.
8. No Building permits.
9. Liquor and beer permits approved for Cubby’s and the Odebolt Community Center approved unanimously.
10. No complaints in the complaint file.
11. Nuisance abatement report for citizen with lumber in yard.
12. Citizen would contest nuisance charges because she doesn’t feel her property is as bad as other in town.
- Citizen has been served but the notice was not picked up.
-- Legally it doesn’t matter if person picks up certified letter.
- Council will cite if no action is taken.
13. Discussion about citizen with open building.
- Council intends to compel them to secure the building.
-- Wants to get a timeline for completion.
14. Mayor recommends citation for citizen named in video.
15. Mayor opens the public hearing to take comments from the public for the proposed 2012 city budget.
16. Discussion about city pool firing process.
- 12 people named in video were approved for hire as lifeguards, pending passage of lifeguard class.
-- The city had issues with a couple of the applicants last year and they may be hired with the understand that they are “Skating on thin ice” this year.
- 4 applicants turned in, 5 hired for the basket room.
- Tyler Schroeder hired as manager.
- Handbook changed to require adult accompanying those aged 6 and under.
- Handbook beefed up for lifeguard
- Rates will be raised.
- Early bird went from $60 to $65.
- After June 1 $75 - $85
- Daily age13+ went from $2.50 to $3.00
-- 12 and under went from $1.50 to $2.00
- Single person passes went from $35 to $40.
13. Library report approved without comment.
- Unanimous.
14. County law Enforcement Report approved.
- Able to meet the 160 hour quota for the last two months due to being back to full staff.
- Unanimous.
15. Two delinquent water bills reported.
- About $70.00 behind.
-- Clerk instructed to serve her a civil notice and take her to small claims.
- Male citizen reported behind.
16. Water tower cleaning going to happen in 4 to 6 weeks.
17. No committee reports.
18. Public hearing for FY 2012 closed.
- Unanimous.
19. Motion to approve resolution 11.13 adopting city budget approved unanimously.
20. Council receives letters of thanks from cemetery, Boekman Motors, and the lady who is bringing the school museum to town.
21. Odebolt Betterment Committee receives a grant for $1,300.00 for the renovation of the City Park shelter house
22. Head count for March 8, 2011 special city council meeting.
23. County Meeting to be held in Sac City
24. Discussion about “No weapons” policy.
25. Adjournment.
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