1. Call to Order.
2. Amendment of agenda to include discussions about the league meeting and the TV tower.
3. Reading of the minutes of the January 2011 meeting.
- Approved unanimously.
4. Discussion about the treasurer’s report.
- Discussion about hydrant repair.
- Approved unanimously.
5. Discussion about the monthly budget sheet.
- Reviewed silently.
6. Discussion about an incorrect email address.
7. Continuing review of monthly budget sheet.
- Discussion about employee pay.
8. Discussion and review of bills to be paid.
9. Approval of signatures on the bills.
10. Law enforcement report
- Sparky’s robbery.
-- Got one guy, got DNA on the second guy.
--- Waiting for the DNA results to come back before arresting.
-- These guys may be responsible for 27 robberies.
- Citizens not properly restraining their dogs.
- Discussion about number of hours the Sheriff is contracted for.
-- Council reports that the visibility is good and there are no complaints from the citizens.
-- Sheriff’s department may ask for a slight increase across the board.
- Sheriff responding to Schaller calls until they hire law enforcement.
- Council reiterates good job Sheriff’s department is doing.
11. Mayor opens public hearing to discuss the city budget.
- Noted that budget is the same one that was published.
12. Budget adopted as published.
13. Public hearing closed.
14. Discussion about the 28E agreement with Calhoun County to take care of N28.
- Calhoun County takes care of the paving.
- Lytton takes care of the right of way, drainage, Storm Sewers, etc.
- The agreement date is effective July 1, 2011.
- The reimbursement date will be on April 1.
-- In previous agreement this date was January 1.
15. Approval of 28E agreement with Calhoun County regarding maintenance of N28.
- Unanimous.
16. There has been a complaint about a dog leaving deposits in neighbor’s yards.
- Mayor to send a letter to offending citizen.
17. Motion directing clerk to publish reminder about nuisance pet laws in local paper.
- Unanimous
18. Approval of water shut of notices.
- Approved unanimously.
19. SETD to host county league meeting.
20. Discussion about the old TV tower.
- A person has approached the city with an interest in purchasing the tower.
- The tower sits on city ground.
- Will be by sealed bids.
21. Council will put out notice that they are taking bids to expire on April 4, 2011.
22. Discussion about buying new/used end loader.
23. Discussion about graveling the alleys.
24. Discussion about Walnut Street tile problem.
25. Discussion about filling in various cracks.
- Sac City is no better, Fort Dodge is terrible.
26. Discussion about creating an engine break ordinance.
- Council amenable to creating one.
- Clerk directed to get copy of other engine break ordinances for the council to consider in April.
27. Adjournment.
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