The first portion of this meeting is audio only, and is of very low quality.
1. Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Amendment of agenda.
- Remove Travis Knobbe.
- Addition of discussion about new city property
3. Unanimous approval of amended agenda.
4, Mayor opens public hearing to take comments and hear concerns about the city budget with a roll call vote.
- No comments.
5. Unanimous approval to close the public hearing.
6. Approval of minutes of the previous meeting.
- Unanimous approval.
7. Discussion about claims to be paid.
- Discussion about the Pete Howe item for line jetting.
8. Unanimous approval of bills.
9. Mayor skips item.
10. Discussion about shelter house project.
- Gary Faber addresses council about shortfall in the park committees portion of the money needed to meet the 50% funding for the Sac County Endowment Foundation Grant.
- “We got approval for $6,000 which is great.” and the city has offered $5,500.
- They are looking for the city to contribute another $500 to make up the difference.
- Council changes their contribution from $5,500 to $6,000.
11. Discussion about who will appear in the grip and grin.
12. Discussion about getting a transformer.
- Council deliberates over getting a reconditioned vs. a used or new transformer.
-- Discussion tabled and Mark Determann directed to contact Bob Mead of the NMPP to determine price and availability of reconditioned transformers.
13. Discussion about technical aspects of the transformers.
14. Council approves the purchase of equipment to repair the Cookie’s lift station.
- Repair estimated to take two days.
- Equipment to be purchased from Electric Pump.
15. Discussion about the Gus Schroeder property
- Council is informed that the owner is willing to negotiate for use of the ground.
- Council will discuss this item in more depth at a future meeting.
16. Chris Rodman hired as city clerk for the City of Wall Lake.
- The vote goes 4-0 with John Morrow abstaining.
- Chris will begin on March 28. 2011.
17. Energy Efficiency assistance.
- The city is mandated to file this report.
- Council hires IAMU to let them assist them to find energy efficiency.
18. Building permit for Al Blum approved unanimously.
- Wants to build a basketball court and a shed.
19. TIF committee meeting report.
- Morrow reads a development agreement made on March 10, 2008 between the City of Wall Lake and the Wall Lake industrial TIF Corporation.
- TIF accomplishments listed.
- Future goals listed.
20. JR Lapel asks council about planting some trees along a drainage ditch.
- Rick Hoppe directed to check into the feasibility of the suggestion.
21. Discussion about fixing the city streets.
- Does the city want to fix any of the streets?
-- Council will determine if there are road use funds available.
- Rick attended a training to learn how to use a new type of cold patch.
-- Is directed to report back to the council regarding this training.
- They fixed the east-west roads a couple of years ago, and now need to fix the north-south roads.
- Council discusses specific street concerns.
22. Adjournment.
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