1. Grassley invites the public to speak freely at any point.
2. Explanation of what he is doing in Iowa instead of in Washington.
3. Grassley invites the public to contact him at any time.
4. Grassley invites public to go to his website.
QUESTION #1: Health insurance cost has gone up 40% in the last two years, what are you doing about it?
QUESTION #2: Is there anything that can be done about Obama snubbing his nose at the orders of the judge in the drilling moratorium lawsuit?
QUESTION #3: Does the president have the authority to change policies without any oversight?
QUESTION #4: Has Obama made a deal with Brazil to come into the Gulf of Mexico to drill for oil?
COMMENT: Citizen thanks Grassley for helping them get a V.A. clinic in Carroll.
QUESTION #5: How long do you give us to sustain our current economy?
QUESTION #6: When will Washington ever tackle the problems of entitlements and the defense budget?
QUESTION #7: Will the president be able to bring the country to its knees and destroy our monetary system?
QUESTION #8: Do you think that the next election will see as many Republican gains as in the previous election?
QUESTION #9: (From Grassley to Wall Lake City Council Person) Did I ever answer your question?
QUESTION #10: Can an executive order issued by the president ever be rescinded by Congress?
QUESTION #11: (Rhetorical from Grassley) “Isn’t it funny how France…”
QUESTION #12: Is anyone ever going to put a stop to foreign aid?
QUESTION #13: How does the polarization in Washington today compare to times past?
COMMENT: (Citizen talking about Representative Steve King) “You can never tell which side of the fence he’s on…”
QUESTION #14: Is there any chance that the Environmental Protection Agency might actually have their funding cut?
QUESTION #15: Is Congress doing anything to bring manufacturing back to America?
QUESTION #16: Why isn’t the United States ranked number one in education?
The answer to this question begins a minor debate about the rate at which families spend time focusing on their children’s education.
QUESTION #17: Is anything going to happen with social security reform?
COMMENT: Thank you for digging in like a pit bull on the “Project Gunrunner” situation.
QUESTION #18: Could you give an update?
COMMENT: I want you to dig deep and find out who hatched this scheme.
1. Grassley invites the public to contact him at any time.