The Sac City Council reviewed the results of the City Goal Setting session which was conducted by the Sac City Council at a special meeting held in November 2010. Following are the results of that session.
Sac City, Iowa Goal Setting Review
According to Sac City Administrator, the items that are starred have already been including in upcoming budgets.
Ledford then went on to explain in detail why some of the items not stared were not included in upcoming budgets.
#4: Establishing a Tax Increment Financing District. There is no cost with establishing a TIF district, so there is no need to budget for it. Ledford pointed out that though you can use it to help existing or incoming businesses move into buildings, establishing a TIF district as an end result without a plan is naïve.
#6: Removal of Dilapidated buildings. It was determined by the finance committee of the Sac City Council that removal of dilapidated buildings would be done on a case by case basis and that no money would need to be earmarked for that purpose.
The reasons number #7, #9, #10, and #12 were not included in upcoming budgets were not specifically addressed.
Sac City Mayor Barb Powell suggested that any council people would be welcome to champion any of the projects and help see them through. No council people expressed any interest in personally taking responsibility for anything on this list at the February 14, 2011 meeting.
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