00:01:19 Call to order.
00:01: 22 Approval of minutes of the February 1, 2011 meeting.
00:01:26 Approval of the agenda.
00:01:49 Supervisors canvass the special election from Odebolt.
00:04:10 Supervisors make appointments to the board of health. Pat Larsen, Dr. Peck, Sally Lines. Also Rick Hecht, Marshall Fox from Odebolt.
00:05:44 Supervisors discuss items of concern that were brought to light during the governmental audit. Poor segregation of duties. There has been no Inventory of fixed assets. The courthouse doesn’t have the staff to realistically do either of these items.
00:13:19 Approval of auditor’s response to the audit.
00:13:40 Further discussion about county board of health.
00:14:00 Tax abatement for building in Lytton approved.
00:20:.22 Discussion about the possibility of keeping the issuing of passports in the courthouse discussed with Nancy Auen. It may be possible for the Auditor’s office to take applications and continue to keep the money and photo portion in the Recorder’s office. In order to get a passport, you will have to write out two checks, one to each office. This is subject to approval, but according to Ms. Auen, approval for this set up will be a rubber stamp.
Sac County Auditor Jim Dowling indents to have several Auditor’s office personnel cross trained. This will allow the county to keep the revenue in the county.
00:25:52 Further discussion about tax abatement for the building in Lytton. This will be the last year this building will be on the abatement roll.
00:26:44 Supervisors go into recess.
Business discussed during recess.:
The auditor gave an update about when the preliminary budget will be ready. The supervisors reviewed the draft.
00:00:00 Supervisors come out of recess.
00:00:10 Chad Jensen of New Opportunities presents his annual report and asks for the same amount of funding as they asked for last year. ($10,150.08).
00:05:11 Review of handouts.
00:09:35 Sac County has no homeless people according to the information put out by New Opportunities.
00:11:27 There is no homeless shelter in Carroll Iowa. If someone is referred, New Opportunities will put them up in a local hotel. Law enforcement will often transport indigents from county line to county line. New Opportunities likes to get involved in these instances and help that person get a plan rather than just having him transported through the county.
00:14:50 Sac County Engineer presentation of secondary road county crew report.
00:16:07 Sac County Engineer projects update.
00:19:05 Sac County Supervisors getting tired of having the same discussion about paying out too much vacation time. This was a hit in the audit. The supervisors made it clear that if employees are over the carryover line for vacation hours, there will be no payout, and the employees will lose those vacation days. The supervisors
00:25:18 Discussion about bridges that have been downgraded. The county has been trying to keep all of the bridges on paved roads legal for semis. In some cases, this means posting notification that the bridges are safe for only one truck at a time. There are more bridge needs out there than what the county has funding for.
00:33:50 Discussion about a land manager that is interested in purchasing an adjacent road, should the county choose to vacate it.
00:35:31 Discussion about local option sales tax money in Sac County and whether that could be applied to bridges.
00:37:20 Highway 20 bypass update.
00:39:57 Further discussion about bridges.
00:39:36 Adjournment.
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