00.00.00 Call to order.
00.00.10 Roll Call.
00.00.21 Approval of Agenda.
00.00.35 Approval of minutes of previous meeting.
00.00.52 Approval of bills.
00.01.23 Public hearing to review the plans for construction of new lagoon and pump station.
00.03.18 Discussion about how to approve Resolution #11.06 Award of Contract for construction of new lagoon and pump station.
00.05.20 Reading of Resolution #11.06 Wording of the Contract for construction of new lagoon and pump station.
00.06.22 Adoption of Resolution #11.06 Contract for construction of new lagoon and pump station.
00.07.49 Explanation of how the new lagoon contract should be awarded, and a description of the meeting to open bids.
00.09.30 Review of bids for new lagoon contract.
00.10.39 Apparent low bid from Leroy and Sons reviewed.
00.12.29 Concern about a line item reviewed in the bid that is lower than the estimate discussed.
00.14.15 No other concerns with the bid.
00.14.40 Discussion about the subcontractors that will be used.
00.17.57 Discussion about the contractor’s concern about the price of fuel that is locked in.
00.18.52 Contract prepared for Leroy and Sons contractors.
00.19.17 Concerns about length of contract.
00.20.39 Concerns about the cost and application of dirt.
00.22.05 Mayor reviews the bidding process and commends Leroy and Sons for their willingness to do the job.
00.22.56 Review of Resolution #11.07 approval of minutes of the meeting contract.
00.25.30 Approval of Resolution #11.07 by roll call.
00.26.47 Review of Resolution #11.06 Awarding contract.
00.28.55 Meeting to award contract set for noon on February 21, 2011.
00.29.20 Review of financing options.
00.32.00 Review of loan from the bank and options from the CDBG that may lessen the need for that loan to be so high.
00.37.59 Explanation of options for repaying SRF loan, and the various formulas for combining different repayment options (cost to the citizens)
00.39.40 Expenses for the lagoon will go down due to modernization.
00.43.24 Various rate changes with the goal of generating enough revenue to pay for discussed.
00.46.21 City council seems to be leaning for using a general obligation bond.
00.46.49 Long term consequences for all financing options discussed.
00.49.12 Amendment to the contract with the engineer to reimburse for bid documents in the amount of $6,500 approved by roll call.
00.53.27 signing of the contract.
00.00.00 Discussion about resolution to enter into land agreement.
00.20.20 Citizen to be heard, and introduction of citizens present.
00.02.30 Sandy Kessler Host asks the board about being allowed to move Richland #1 school from its current location to downtown Odebolt and use it as a museum.
00.04.15 Presentation of the project.
00.00.00 Presentation of School project continued.
00.01.23 Questions from the council.
00.03.30 Odebolt Betterment Committee backs the project.
00.04.35 How much space in the park will the building take up?
00.05.00 History of rural schools in Iowa.
00.09.50 Timetable of the project discussed.
00.13.39 Council asked by mayor to discuss whether they want to commit to the project. The council is concerned about the future financial upkeep. No guarantee given.
00.16.28 Unanimous approval of school house project.
00.17.39 discussion about setting up a nonprofit corp. to take funding for the Rural Legacy Project through the city.
00.21.09 Library board indicates that they do not wish for a funding increase this year.
00.22.43 Resolution #11.07 (in the agenda) changed to #11.09. The number #11.007 was assigned to a different resolution earlier in the meeting.
00.23.08 Approval of Resolution #11.09 approval of loan agreement by roll call. The resolution is for borrowing money from the bank in an amount not to exceed $660,000 for the acquisition of land for the lagoon.
00.26.37 Budget recommendations – none.
00.26.45 The Budget Meeting set for Monday February 14, 2011 at 6:00PM.
00.27.55 Budget hearing was set for the next regular March meeting at 8:00PM via resolution by roll call.
00.28.42 permits and complaint file – nothing.
00.28.56 nuisance abatement file. tabled until next month due to weather.
00.29.48 SARC annual report tabled until March.
00.30.10 Library report approved.
00.30.00 Law enforcement report approved. Council asked if they would be interested in entering into a three year contract with a set $2 increase per year. ($1,500ish increase.)
00.33.31 Discussion of Resolution restricting weapons in Odebolt city buildings.
00.35.09 Discussion about getting a sidewalk grant from the school. This will replace any sidewalk that children use to walk to school… including handicapped accessible ramp. This also may include money for scooping sidewalks on designated school routes. There is a caveat that the kids must actually be using the sidewalks in question.
00.38.07 Discussion about delinquent water bills. – clerk indicates that she is not ready for this discussion.
00.38.22 Three bridge inspections need to be done.
00.39.54 Cash flow report
00.40.00 City pool report. Applications for lifeguards already in.
00.40.35 Complaints about minor under 16 using a motor vehicle to drive around to do snow removal for the city.
00.42.00 Discussion about what to do with police equipment, (targets, etc.)
00.43.08 Discussion about citizens violating snow ordinance.
00.48.35 Adjournment.
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