The annual 4-H Awards Ceremony was held on Sunday, November 21, 2010 at the East Sac Middle School Auditorium in Sac City. Young 4_H members were recognized for their work over the past year.
Special County Awards were given to those who had superior record books.
Club award winners were:
Grant Anderson
Lexie Berry
Kylie Belt
Katie Brinkman
Regina Carlson
Abby Clark
Alexis Cook
Damon Cook
Sami Cripps
Colin Cuthrell
Megan Drey
Renae Drey
Elizabeth Feilmeier
Grace Feilmeier
Hannah Feilmeier
Jordan Fischer
Riley Fischer
Austin Goettsch
Kallie Goettsch
Hannah Hansen
Brooke Hoeppner
Aubrey Houska
Lauren Houska
Taylor Houska
Heidi Hunziker
Morgan Hurd
Will Hurd
Jason Kenny
Rachel Kenny
Zach Kenny
Allison Kolbe
Ben Kolbe
Kyle Kolbe
Brandon Langbein
Nicole Langbein
Travis Mascher
Hannah Maymon
Devin Mentzer
Jack Mentzer
Carter Niehaus
Kacie Partridge
Justice Pedersen
Alex Pickhinke
Beth Pickhinke
Jonathon Pickhinke
Tyler Pickhinke
Dakota Powell
Tonya Ramsey
Emily Scott
Sam Scott
Kevin Steinkamp
Maggie Steinkamp
Jamie Zimmerman
County Award winners were:
Damon Cook
Lexie Cook
Renae Drey
Grace Feilmeier
Jordan Fischer
Aubrey Houska
Heidi Hunziker
Jason Kenny
Kacie Partridge
The Top Junior Record Book awards were given to:
Hannah Feilmeier
Riley Fischer
Jonathon Pickhinke
The Top Intermediate Record Book awards were given to:
Grace Feilmeier
Jason Kenny
The Top Senior Record Book award went to Lauren Houska.
The Long Time Record award and the Ak-Sar-Ben award was given to Lexie Cook.
The Achievement Award was given to Elizabeth Feilmeier.
Adult volunteers were also recognized at the awards ceremony for their many years of service to the Sac County 4-H program. Steve Determan of Early was recognized for 25 years of service as a 4-H leader, Karen Siebrecht of Odebolt was recognized for her 15 years of service as a leader. Kurt and Laurie Kenny of Schaller and Steve and Tracy Pickhinke of Early were recognized for their 5 years of service as leaders. Wirtjers Trucking of Sac City received the Meritorious Service award, Sue Peyton of Sac City received the Alumni Award, and LeRoy Schoenthal of Lake View received the Honorary Member award.
Elizabeth Feilmeier receives the Achievement Award from Barb Determan.
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Leaders received awards for their many years of service. Front Row L to R: Karen Siebrecht, Tracy Pickhinke, and Laurie Kenny.
Back Row L to R: Steve Determan, Steve Pickhinke, and Kurt Kenny.
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County Award Winners and Top Record Book Winners were: Front Row L to R: Jonathon Pickhinke, Grace Feilmeier, Damon Cook, Jason Kenny, and Renae Drey.
Back Row L to R: Lexie Cook. Lauren Houska, Jordan Fischer, Aubrey Houska, and Riley Fischer.
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State Recognition recipients were recognized and they include: Lauren Houska, Elizabeth Feilmeier, Lexie Cook, and Brent Drey. Missing from the photo are Tanner Berry and Kent Irwin.
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Adult Award Winners were awarded with a plaque presented by Steph Erpelding, Sac County Youth Coordinator, given to LeRoy Schoenthal and Sue Peyton.
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Angie Kreft and Pat Wirtjers accept the Meritorious Service Award from Steph Erpelding, Sac County Youth Coordinator.
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Many individuals, businesses, 4-H clubs, and community groups were recognized for their outstanding contribution to the Iowa 4-H Foundation and the Sac County 4-H Endowment. The following were on hand for a picture:
Front Row L to R: Steph Erpelding, Barb Determan, Rachel Huser, Janice Mason, Myra Steinkamp, Karen Siebrecht, Gary Siebrecht, and Harold Peyton. Back Row L to R: Steve Determan, Darold Jacobson, Richard Mason, Orlin Steinkamp, Colleen Arndt, LaVerne Arndt, and Harold Peyton.
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