1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Minutes.
3. No correspondence.
4. Approval of financial reports.
- The pool problem is solved.
(Several minutes of the board silently combing through the financial report is edited out.)
5. Donations.
6. Current numbers.
- 103 members. Last year at this in October 110.
7. After school program.
- One or two nights per week.
- Will need volunteers.
- 4th and 5th graders should not be combined.
- Different programs in different rooms.
- Donated $40 punch cards?
- Not stepping on the toes of Kid’s World.
- Hoping to start in November.
- Send a questionnaire to the schools to generate interest.
- Put together a talk to give to the classes about it?
- Games.
-- Toss across.
-- Volleyball.
-- Soccer.
8. Board struggles with the question of responsibility for how children get home (After school program conversation continued.)
9. Board talks about expected revenue and expenses for the After School program.
- Charge $1.00 for members, $2.00 for non-members
10. What kind of snacks to give?
10. Baby sitting class.
(the information in this is not necessarily accurate but is included for archival reasons.
- May host babysitting for hire job board at Community Center (opt in)
11. Grant update.
- Will find out more in December.
- Loring requested $90,000 to share between school, library, etc.
- Made a really broad request generally covering fitness equipment.
- Sac City scored the highest number of points towards earning this grant.
- More staff will be needed.
-- The way the grant is written, it will not cover staff.
-- The passes could get around that.
12. Ended up bringing in $2,009.55 from the benefit buffet.
13. Roof is done.
- Director instructed to have pictures of roof taken.
- Instructed to get paperwork saying how long the shingle is guaranteed for.
- Should be no more leaks in the gym.
14. Roof on other side not fixed yet.
14. Large fundraiser.
- Board wants to put together a committee composed of Community Center members to make recommendations.
-- Jim Bullock nominated to be board liaison to the committee.
- Director instructed to spend time every day online looking for grants.
-- Librarian has offered to help with grant writing.
15. Youth Basketball Tournament.
- 7th and 8th grade: January 22, 2011.
- 5th and 6th grade: February 19, 2010.
- Think about charging teams to enter.
16. Men’s locker room urinal problem.
- On the waiting list to get the problem looked at.
- Oder better now that summer has passed.
17. Future grant projects.
- Projects to attempt to get grants for.
-- Pool deck.
-- Walls in gymnasium.
-- Downstairs closet.
18. Designation of ombudsman.
- Teresa Coon Bruening nominated.
19. What’s the story on lifeguard class?
- Instructors not crazy about pool because of it’s depth.
- May go to Buena Vista for some training.
- 30 hour class.
20. Board decides to court new superintendent to support Sac Community Center.
21. Further discussion about swim instructors.
22. Adjournment.
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