1. Deals with the difference in generations.
- Traditionalists were born between 1922 and 1945.
-- They comprise 20% of the workforce.
-- There are 50 million of these people.
-- They are hard working.
-- They are conservative with their money.
-- They are patriotic.
-- They are joiners.
- Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964.
-- They comprise 32% of the workforce.
-- They carry the most debt.
-- They are very competitive.
-- They are workaholics.
-- They favor a top down hierarchy.
-- They like personal communication style.
- Generation X was born between 1965 and 1980.
-- They comprise 18% of the workforce.
- There are 45 million of these people.
-- They are independent.
-- They are self reliant.
-- They do not trust authority.
Generation Y or Millennium was born between 1981 and 2000.
- They are digital natives.
- They are helicopter parents.
- Technology is ubiquitous in their lives.
Generation Z or I, (for Internet or the first person “I” meaning “all about me”,) is being born as we speak.
- They are the children of the youngest baby boomers.
2. Hansen asks the city council to fill out a survey about what people want from their jobs.
- The possibilities include:
-- Job security.
-- Interesting work.
-- Appreciation of work done.
-- Promotion in the company.
-- Being included.
-- Good wages.
-- Help on personal issues.
-- Good working conditions.
-- Fair discipline.
-- Loyalty to workers.
- This test was given to management and employees and the results showed management that is out of touch with their employees. (Hansen did not give details about the demographics of the sampling.)
-- Appreciation of work done.
--- Employees rated it #1.
--- Managers rated it #8.
-- Good wages.
--- Employees rated it #5
--- Managers rated it #1
3. 10 best ways to recognize employees. (Hansen lists 9)
- Give them support
- Make them feel welcome.
- Give them verbal praise.
- Give them the authority to do their jobs.
- Give them flexible hours.
- Give them written praise, (publish in newspaper)
- Give them cash.
- Give them electronic praise, (publish on internet)
- Give them continuing training.
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