Monday, November 22, 2010, 6:30 o’clock p.m., Council Chambers, Sac City Municipal Utility Building.
I. Roll Call/Call to Order.
II. Consent of Agenda.
A. Approval of Agenda.
B. Approval of the Minutes of the November 8, 2010 Council Meeting.
C. Receipts and Disbursements.
III. Projects.
A. Airport Runway 18/36 and Lighting Rehabilitation Project.
1. Consideration of Draw Down #5 of FAA Funds in the Amount of $60,179.00.
2. Consideration of Approving Snyder & Associates’ Bill in the Amount of $1,081.70.
3. Consideration of Approving Voltmer’s Bill in the Amount of $62,264.84.
B. Airport Electrical Vault Building Project.
1. Consideration of Draw Down #12 of FAA Funds in the Amount of $8,632.00.
2. Consideration of Approving Snyder & Associates’ Bill in the Amount of $574.06.
3. Consideration of Approving Voltmer’s Bill in the Amount of $8,053.37.
C. Sac City Housing Rehabilitation Program.
1. Consideration of Draw Down #9 of CDBG Funds in the Amount of $39,142.00.
2. Consideration of Region XII Council of Governments’ Bill in the Amount of $39,862.00.
3. Consideration of Region XII Council of Governments’ Bill in the Amount of $2,757.00 (Technical Services).
4. Consideration of Approving City’s Portion in the Amount of $3,348.00.
IV. Citizens Opportunity to Address the Council on Items Not on the Agenda.
V. Miscellaneous.
A. Discussion of Sac City Recycling Program.
B. Discussion of Results From City Goal Setting Session.
C. Discussion on Payment Options for Street Improvement Projects.
D. Committee and Department Head Reports.
VI. Council Forum.
VII. Adjournment. Motion: ____________ Second: _________________ Time: ______________
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