(City administrator’s instructions to the council)
1. Community club is going to apply for a Sac County Endowment grant to purchase a sign to sit on top of the old sign down by the bike trail.
2. These are the proposed signs.
3. Right now the sign is changed manually.
- These signs can be controlled by computer from city hall.
4. Half of the project could be funded by the Sac County Endowment grant, and the other half could (hopefully) be divided into thirds funded by a combination of Community Club, Men’s Club, and the city.
5. The community club committed $4,500 to the project.
- Would like the city to participate for that amount.
6. The total cost for the color sign is about $27K
- Going to apply for a grant of $13.5K.
7. How does this size compare to the other sign.
8. Foval-North feels that the size of the sign takes away from the arch and would like to see the logo portion of the sing not be there.
- Don’t have to be married to the idea.
- Have gotten many size and shape option.
9. What is the value of the color sign compared to the mono-color sign.
- The real value is to communicate events. is it worth all of the extra money for graphics?
- The city administrator seemed to think that the thinking is, if they are going to have a sign, it may as well be the best sign it can be.
10. Who will make the decision about what goes on the sign?
- Lake View Resort editor feels that commercial interests shouldn’t be allowed to advertise their events on the sign.
- Rules would have to be established.
11. The Men’s Club would do this?
- They had had discussions about doing a sign in the past.
12. The sign would look the same on both sides.
13. There is power on site, so powering it won’t be difficult.
- It could cost $1,500 less if they control the sign via phone line instead of via wireless, but there would be a monthly bill for that.
-- Council pretty much rejects this out of hand.
14. City will be competing for a grant with the streetscape lighting project.
- If both applications are good there is still a “real good” chance both applications could get funded, but it may lower the amount of money
- If the full amount isn’t awarded to the community center, they might have to turn it down.
15. How do we feel about holding off on the streetscape?
- Already have a commitment from the Community Club.
16. Council approves a commitment of $4,500 for the Community Club sign with one nay from Laney.
Commercial interests should be able to advertise on the sign for a fee, what is the paper afraid of a little competition? Our Local businesses need all the help they can get. Agree don't think they need another city of Lake view logo on it electronic signs are obnoxious enough
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I wasn't under the impression that the Lake View Resort had anybody's best interests in mind other than their own.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I doubt any city council will ever invite me to actually sit at the table as if I were a 6th un-elected member of the council they way they do with Marsha.
I wonder if that blurring or lack of journalistic ethics leads to the kind of thinking evident in her statements?
...I wonder if there will be a forthcoming editorial about how it is the duty of local businesses owners to support the local paper by advertising ONLY in it alone?