1. Will be done in phases.
- Phase 1: Restaurant.
- Phase 2: Convention center.
2. Presentation of parking lot lighting plan.
- Regular outdoor pole light.
3. Presentation of parking lot parking plan.
- Possible three entrances.
4. Presentation of drainage plan.
- There is a filter on the curb to catch solids before draining to the lake.
- Possible problems discussed.
-- Need more intakes?
5. City administrator talks about site plan ordinance.
- The city has never attempted one previously.
6. “I’m just happy we got people in this town that got enough guts to do something like this, and I think you.”
7. Building permit approved unanimously.
8. Can the project receive tax abatement?
- looking at the 5-year abatement.
-- This is the same abatement program anybody is eligible to apply for.
9. Is the city willing to waive connection fees for water and sewer?
- $300.00 for water and $1,500.00 for sewer.
- The city has waived thee fees before.
- City council votes to waive fees unanimously.
10. Going to hold a public contest to name the restaurant.
11. City administrator would like to convene the P+Z to review the plan and make suggestions where necessary.
12. The restaurant/convention center and Boulder’s Inn will be separate business entities own by separate people.
13. Hopefully there will be no new capitol invested by the city.
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