1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Announcement of bids that were opened for Main Line distribution project.
4. Do we have any idea when they can do it?
5. Do you have a completion date?
6. Are we gonna get time to review this?
7. Why so many different dollar figures for materials?
8. You don’t have an itemized bill?
9. Morrow establishes the amount of wire the city has purchased.
10. Morrow establishes amount of conduit.
11. Potential contractors gets narrowed down.
12. What is the estimated total cost of the project?
13. Everything on the list except for switches has been ordered?
14. Morrow calculates that project materials cost is already up near $160K.
15. Morrow wonders why wire is running to the farthest corner of building.
16. Was there any discussion of bringing the 4 aught wire another 3 or 400 feet?
17. Was the idea that eventually the 1 aught wire would feed to the East?
18. Councilperson admits, “We didn’t do a very good job on this” but stresses the need to get electricity to Twilight Acres.
19. Did they ever get a price on the 1600…?
20. According to Morrow, who claims to have called some engineering and telephone companies, it’s not that big a deal to directional bore.
21. Morrow claims that he feels misled about what was required at Twilight Acres.
18. Citizen expresses confusion about seeming purchasing disparity between his business and Twilight Acres.
19. This isn’t just for Twilight Acres, but for that entire area.
20. Engineer rejects less expensive proposal due to lack of time for bid letting.
21. “This project has been ram-rodded through by these four guys and the city manager…”
22. Mayor calls for a motion.
- Motion to accept Watt’s Electric bid for the mainline construction for Twilight Acres passed on a 4-1 vote with Morrow voting against.
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