Wall Lake, Iowa
October 11, 2010
Wall Lake council met for public hearing at 7:00 pm in council chambers, presided by Mayor Steve Druivenga.
Councilmen present: John Morrow, Francis Riedell, R Boeckman, D Potthoff and R Germann.
Visitors: Justin Vogel, Nathan Casey, Gary and Sharon Faber, Teresa Bedell, Bonnie Aschinger, Robyn Corbin, Michelle Bahr, Mark Determann, Jodi Grote, JR Lapel, Mary Linda Mack, Barb Goodner, Duane Herrig, Rick Hoppe, Jeff Herrig Jason Rassel, Amy and Steve Lynch and Curtis Bloess.
Public hearing for bid letting for the main line distribution project M Anderson informed group that bids were opened on October 5, 2010 three bids were received for this project.
Bids listed:
Watts Electric, Waverly, NE $54072.73
Schoon Con. Cherokee, IA $55867.90
Dig America Bondurant, IA $88357.70
M Anderson stated there had not been any verbal or written objections to the bids or the project.
DGR recommended City of Wall Lake accept the bid presented by Watts Electric as it was the lowest bid submitted and they are confident Watts will perform well on this project.
J Morrow revisited the route of the project, amount of wire that is being used and questioned what the conduit on the bid was to be used for. R Germann related that he does realize that some mistakes were made on this project but ultimately we need to move on with this project.
D Herrig again brought up the cost effectiveness of the project, J Morrow requested that he not bring this matter up. J Morrow went on to say that he felt the council had been mislead by Twilight Acres in reference to what their needs actually are he then stated that he hadn’t discussed this with Mark D.
J Morrow questioned Mark D in reference to whether we could have used other transformers that were used from another project. Mark started to explain to the group that we are trying to not use old equipment as it is obsolete and doesn’t pass the IUB standards. J Morrow stated that it didn’t matter anyway and that the other 4 councilmen and the city administrator ram rodded this project and ultimately the line will be installed.
Mayor asked for motion or to table issue. R Germann stated we are not in a position to table the issue. R Boeckman moved to approve the bid submitted by Watts Electric for $54072.73, seconded by R Germann. Ayes: R Germann, D Potthoff, F Riedell and R Boeckman. Nays: J Morrow, motion carried.
J Morrow moved to approve the agenda with the request that in the future the agenda appear in a different format, seconded by D Potthoff. Ayes: All, motion carried.
R Germann moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by F Riedell. Ayes: All, motion carried.
Gary Faber presented to the council on behalf of the Park Committee, this group would like to renovate the shelter house at the park. Council requested that the group put together solid figures and bring them back to the council. R Germann thanked Gary for coming to the council.
Steve and Amy Lynch were present to discuss their sewer line due to previous problems they would like the city to help with this project. It was recommended to them to have the sewer line videoed to see where the issues actually were and go from there. They agreed to this.
Jeff and Duane Herrig were present to discuss the electric work that needs to be completed at Cookies in order to complete the addition which was constructed over the summer months. Duane stated that they believed the material for this projected had been ordered until Jeff inquired with M Anderson last week and she stated that it had not been approved by the council. Jeff inquired as to how long it would take to get all the materials here. Mark was instructed to make phone calls in the AM on the materials then M Anderson would notify Jeff. D Potthoff moved to give Mark permission to get materials ordered for this project, seconded by F Riedell. Ayes: All, motion carried.
Justin Vogel and Nathan Casey from MSA presented on the well project. Justin shared the response that he had received from the DNR in reference to the possibility of a portable generator. The response was that it could be portable but it must be designated for the well only and could not be used at lift stations. We again reviewed the same issues and council requested to review the figures and this will be discussed at the next meeting.
J Morrow questioned why the city wasn’t using Region XII for the grant writing process, why the city was considering using SRF loan rather than revenue bonding, his final question was is if all the requirements MSA are proposing are really necessary. M Anderson was instructed to contact Sundquist Engineering in Denison for a second opinion.
D Potthoff moved to set the Public Hearing for Intent to Apply for CDBG for Wall Lake drinking water system on October 25, 2010 @ 7:00 pm., seconded by R Germann. Ayes: All, motion carried.
D Potthoff moved to pay the bills as presented, seconded by R Boeckman. Ayes: All, motion carried.
D Potthoff moved to accept the clerk’s report as presented, seconded by F Riedell. Ayes: All, motion carried.
Building permits presented Shawn Flynn: tear down old garage and rebuild with new
Chris Bryant: remove old deck and replace with new
Pat Jacobsen: his building permit was previously approved contractor discovered the addition will be erected over natural gas line, questioned if city will help with the relocation of the line.
R Boeckman moved to approve Flynn and Bryant permits and for Jacobsen the city will furnish the gas line and hook-up, he will be responsible for the trenching and dirt work, seconded by D Potthoff. Ayes: All, motion carried.
M Anderson informed council that she and R Boeckman had worked up figures for winter electric rate, spreadsheets were given to the council for review and this will be discussed at next meeting. M Bahr requested that the council look at a rate for the homeowners that have high electric usage.
There was a brief discussion on the re-installation of the transformer J Morrow made the suggestion that the city start looking for a refurbished transformer to purchase to have in the substation for emergency use in the future. M Anderson will do research on this matter. It was agreed that if possible to schedule electricians and crane outage will be tentatively scheduled for October 24, 2010 2-6 pm.
J Morrow again brought up the sales tax issue M Anderson stated that as she had informed him at the last meeting the error in the sales tax was corrected and the bills that went out the first of October sales tax was correct and according to the state regulations.
D Potthoff moved to adjourn , seconded by F Riedell. Meeting adjourned.
Steve Druivenga, Mayor
Marlene Anderson
City Clerk/Administrator
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