1. The auditorium at the middle school has been painted.
2. The track is done with the exception of the lines, including high and long jump.
- Superintendent directed to check to see how soon track will need resealed or need further attentions.
3. High School bathrooms should be done by the time you read this. There may be a slight delay with plumbing.
4. parking lot and basketball middle school are done.
5. Sidewalk at middle school awarded.
- Four bids received.
--Low bid was from Mentzer Construction and landscaping and that’s who was awarded the job at a cost of $12,290.00. This was about $3,000.00 less then the next bid.
-will be done in the next month.
6. Greenhouse held up due to back order, inside is taking longer than planned.
7. Superintendent calls school “Blessed” to have such a fine custodial staff.
8. Not able to find people who can replace curtain properly.
- Sands suggests that the school fixes what it has.
-- Board speculates about people who may possibly be able to clean the curtain.
- Wilhelm and Huser concur with fixing curtains.
9. Elementary school parking lot
- The price to fix the cracks is $1.45 per foot.
-- There are 7,975 feet of cracks in the parking lot.
-- Will cost $11,563.75 to fix.
- There are an additional 23 areas that need repaired larger than cracks.
- Total cost to do cracks and repairs is about $17,000.00
-- A ball park estimate to do a complete inch and a half overlay would be about $100,000.00
- Superintendent sees this as a valid preventative measure.
-Board votes to do crack fill and heat treat on areas of concern.
- According to Sands who researched prices, $1.45 is below average.
10. Removal of the building that houses the wrestling room in Wall Lake.
- Because of the multiple storms, there was an insurance settlement.
- The building is just a place to collect stuff at this point.
-- There are plenty of other places to store the stuff that is in there.
- If the building isn’t taken down, there will have to be money spent redoing the interior.
- It is the opinion of the school admin that the building should come down.
-- Will give outside access to the inner courtyard at the back of the Wall Lake building.
- There is a lot of mold in the building.
- Characterized as “Cold storage that we’re heating”
- Could be used for parking.
- Board votes to have building removed.
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