SAC CITY, IOWA – JULY 13, 2010
The Sac County Supervisors received the following letter asking for annual membership and mutual protection fund money from the IDDA.
Supervisor Rick Hecht pointed out that Calhoun County only received $5,000 in help with their lawsuit against the railroad from their participation in the mutual protection fund. Participation in the fund is voluntary and before submitting any more money to that fund, the Supervisors decided to get more information about the fund’s balance and how many lawsuits in which they are participating.
The Supervisors did continue to remain members of the IDDA and voted to pay the dues as asked for in the letter.
The following is the conversation that the Supervisors had with John Torbert of the IDDA about the IDDA’s mutual protection fund. Mr. Torbert starts off with an explanation of what the fund is used for and addresses the specific cases of the Calhoun and Monona lawsuits.
After this conversation, The Supervisors voted to contribute the asked for amount to the mutual protection fund.
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