1. Call to Order.
- No city representative.
2. Approval of Minutes of May meeting.
3. Correspondence.
- None.
4. Approval of Financial reports and bills.
- Approved after review.
5. Donations.
- Pom poms.
- Member to stop membership but continue automatic withdraw as a donation.
- Cattle Company to donate proceeds for two buffets for roof.
6. Current membership.
-190. last year was 179 for June.
7. 4-man best-shot golf tourney.
- August 14, 2010.
8. Bean bag and horseshoe.
9. Winter pool league.
- Will be competitive between Viking bay and the bowling alley.
10. Large fundraiser.
- At Cattleman’s?
- Two old board members recommended that they not have large fundraiser during all school reunion.
11. All school reunion weekend.
- Triathlon. Chelsea needs help marking route.
- Teen dance.
12. The real reason the Sac Community Center is “in a pickle” about the roof.
- They didn’t use used shingles to repair roof??!!
- Would have been fully covered had they replaced the roof.
- This all happened before any of the people in the room were on the board.
13. What else has been affected by the bad roof?
14. Pool projects.
- Pool tech in on June 21, 2010 to put pool covers on.
15. Website.
- Bullock asks that mission statement be changed to reflect new “Community Center” status.
- It’s current emphasis is rec.
16. Sidewalk.
- Approval of reimbursement in form of passes to Community Center.
17. Adjournment.
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