WALL LAKE, IOWA – MAY 10, 2010
These are not necessarily quotes.
1. According to “Dawn” the park renovation committee rep, the excavating and tree removal is complete.
- It was done without cost to the city.
2. The next step is to put 4 inches of concrete down.
- Half of the labor will be completed free of charge.
3. When dry, they will spend 4 days putting tile down.
4. In anticipation of a shortfall in funding, the park Renovation committee pared down there plans by removing the portion of the proposed park that would contain the rock climbing boulder.
- It’s $13,000 and they don’t have the funds.
- What they will do instead is lay preparatory mat down in its place and complete the project as funds become available.
- Really wants climbing rock because it is something that other towns do not have.
5. The committee claims to have $72,000 in the bank, which is apparently earmarked for playground equipment only.
- On May 3, the committee received another donation from a resident named Gus Schrader in the amount of $5,000. According to Dawn the gentleman would like to see a business or the city match that amount, though she did not say whether the funds would be withdrawn should that fail to happen.
6. According to Dawn, “Right now, I calculate that if we go ahead and finish this part of the project, we’re looking at about eighty-five thousand dollars, which is also with Bob Wells probably a three thousand dollar bill that we don’t have calculated into the expenses. Which means with what I have with Gus today, We’re still… in addition this play ground company gave us a four thousand dollar grant. We were hoping for ten, we got four so we calculated six thousand short there and we applied for twenty thousand from the Sac County Endowment; we got fifteen, so inevitably we we’re counting on that extra eleven that we don’t have now, which would have almost bought that rock climbing wall, so right now I think that we’re about seven thousand dollars in the deficit of being able to pay for the entire mat and everything for that rock, right now for that boulder.”
7. Questions?
- Q. Are there any plans for future fund raising?
A. They did not ask businesses for funds because they wanted wait to ask them for money for the shelter house, so there are no plans for fundraising until they have everything in the park.
- Q. Will the $85,000 include the rock?
A. No. $85,000 will leave them $20,000 short.
- Q. Will the $20,000 include the shelter?
A. No, there is about $110,000 just in the playground. Over half of it is just the equipment.
- Q. Will the concrete work be done during the week or during the weekend?
A. During the week.
8. The city will donate help to pour concrete.
- Bob Wells just wants people with experience.
- There is no firm date, they will be told the night before.
9. The playground equipment is ordered, and Dawn claims they can pay for it.
- Once the installation is complete they have to cut a check.
- $81K+ a couple of extra thousand.
- Not expecting city to pick up the whole tab but would feel more comfortable knowing that the above amount is covered.
- looking for a $5,000 match as discussed earlier.
10. Its not required that the contract be signed immediately.
11. I think the park renovation committee has done an excellent job.
12. Dawn asks city council for guidance in what to further remove, besides the boulder, if there isn’t enough money.
- Right now the committee is short $7,000 to $8,000.
- The more volunteers there are, the less money they will need.
- Dawn asked to contact council again when she has solid figures.
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