Sac Community Center
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, April 15, 2010
5:00 p.m.
The Thursday, April 15, 2010 meeting of the Sac Community Center Board of Directors was called to order at 5:10 p.m., by Jim Bullock, President, at the Sac Community Center. Other board members present included Melissa Bellcock, Carolyn Ashbaugh, Lucas Burrington, and Barb Bloes, as the representative from the city. Mike Vauble and Teresa Bruening were absent. Chelsea Bengford, Director, and Curtis Bloes were also present.
Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Lucas and seconded by Carolyn that the minutes from the March 18, 2010 meeting be approved. Ayes all. Motion Carried.
There was no correspondence to report.
Financial Report
The monthly financial report was reviewed. A motion was made by Carolyn and seconded by Melissa that the report be approved. Ayes all. Motion carried.
The bills were reviewed. A motion was made by Lucas and seconded by Carolyn that the bills be approved. Ayes all. Motion carried.
Chelsea reported that there were several donations over the last month. Jerry’s Plumbing, Heating, & AC donated $125.00, Larry Bloes donated $25.00, Barb Bloes donated $100.00, and the Sac City Kiwanis donated $250.00. These four donations were made to help pay for the skating program. Chelsea also reported that the Sac City Home and Family group closed their bank account and donated $109.19 to the Sac Community Center.
Chelsea reported that we currently have 179 total memberships.
The board discussed lifetime memberships again. Lucas made a motion that a lifetime individual or family membership will cost $2,500.00 and it shall be non-refundable. Carolyn seconded the motion. Ayes all. Motion carried.
Chelsea reported that the free swim lessons went well and that it would be a good idea to have them every year. She also noted that Swim Club is also going well and there are two weeks left.
The rollerskating program was discussed. Chelsea mentioned that despite the fact that there were only 18 participants the first weekend, it went very well. The kids that were there enjoyed it.
Chelsea mentioned that Summer Rec is off to a good start. Soccer practices are under way and seem to be going smoothly.
Lucas suggested that we consider having a horseshoe league or a beanbag toss. Barb will check with the city council on possibly using the park for such an event. Lucas also reported that he contacted the golf course regarding a 4-man best shot golf tournament. The possible date for this tournament would be Saturday, June 19th. The board discussed this possibility and Melissa made a motion to pursue the golf tournament and Lucas seconded it. Ayes all. Motion carried.
Special Events/Fund Raisers
Chelsea reported that we made $400.00 for helping with the Men’s Club Hoagie fundraiser. This money will be put towards the roof project.
Options for fundraisers during the All-School Reunion were discussed. The board decided to discuss this more at the next meeting when we have a better idea of what other groups are providing.
Lucas explained the Moms on Main event that will be held on May 1. The Community Center will be the starting place, and the 4-H group will be offering babysitting from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Lucas will look into reserving the ice cream machine from Iowa State Bank to offer ice cream for the kids on that day.
The Sac Community Center will be hosting a 3 on 3 basketball tournament on May 8. The board discussed the specifics for this event. Chelsea, Lucas, Jim, and Barb will be looking into the details for concessions. Lucas noted that he has arranged some help for the tournament, but will need some more volunteers for concessions and taking tickets at both locations.
Chelsea noted that the Sac Community Center is selling Adventureland Tickets again this year for a discounted price through the Iowa Park and Recreation Association. All tickets will be sold for $27.00 each.
The roof project was mentioned briefly. The board felt that this topic should be tabled until the next meeting and that we will wait to come up with an action plan after we hear from F.E.M.A.
The board discussed the internet and telephone options for the office again. Chelsea did some more checking on prices for different packages through Frontier. Lucas made a motion that Chelsea go with the Frontier Unlimited program and Melissa seconded the motion. Ayes all. Motion carried.
Chelsea noted that it was brought to her attention that the women’s locker room could use a dehumidifier. Carolyn made a motion that Chelsea purchase a dehumidifier for the women’s locker room. Lucas seconded the motion. Ayes all. Motion carried.
Pool projects were discussed. The board felt that Chelsea should turn the temperature down slightly in the pool during the warmer months in order to save on energy costs. Lifeguards for next year were also discussed. Chelsea will check to see who may be interested in lifeguarding at the Sac Community Center during the winter months, since four of the current lifeguards will be graduating in May.
Chelsea noted that she has gotten the drain covers for the pool. There is a possibility that Pool Tech could put them on without draining the pool. Chelsea mentioned that the service man from Pool Tech will be coming to look at the pool next week. The board felt that Chelsea could go ahead and make arrangements with Pool Tech to scuba dive and put the covers on if Pool Tech is able and willing to.
It was brought up that one of the employees did not receive the raise that the others received. A motion was made by Carolyn and seconded by Lucas to bring this employee to the same wage as the others. Ayes all. Motion carried.
Chelsea noted that the Big Brothers Big Sisters group is interested in working with the Sac Community Center for feasible entertainment for its participants. The board felt that they are willing to work with the group if they can come up with a proposal for the board to discuss.
Chelsea brought up the fact that the board needs to decide if they want to be included in the Worker’s Compensation insurance plan. The board felt that in order to keep premium costs down, it would be best for them not to be included. Lucas made a motion to exclude the board members from the plan and Melissa seconded the motion. Ayes all. Motion carried.
Chelsea reported to the board that she attended the Iowa Park and Recreation Spring Conference in Sioux City and it was a worthwhile experience. She noted that she was one of two in the state who received a scholarship to pay for the conference. She mentioned that she learned that there is a possibility of the state health department mandating UV for all indoor pools. This is a large cost that the Sac Community Center may encounter in the future.
Carolyn brought up the use of ozone for pool disinfecting that is widely used in Europe and that was used at the Summer Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia in the 2004 games as athletes from other parts of the world refuse to swim in chlorine (or bromine).
The board decided to table the 5-year plan discussion until a later meeting.
Internship possibilities were discussed again. Carolyn reported that there is still a good possibility of Buena Vista University students who may want to intern at the Sac Community Center during the fall semester.
Chelsea reported that she checked with Farner Bocken on concession options. The board felt that the ordering requirements were not appropriate for the amount of concessions that we sell.
On a final note, Lucas suggested that we really need to work on getting memberships up and that we may need to contact former members to find out what it will take to get them to renew their memberships.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Carolyn and seconded by Melissa that the meeting be adjourned. Ayes all. Motion carried.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for May 20, 2010, at 5:00, at the Sac Community Center.
Respectively Submitted,
Chelsea Bengford, Secretary
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