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VIDEO - Sac City mayor discusses Councilperson Jim Johnston's non-attendance of Kid's World board meetings.

April 12, 2010

Jim Johnston missed 24 Kid's World board meetings since Mayor Barb Powell (Bloes) appointed him to the board in January, 2008 and 3 meetings since the mayor appointed him in January 2010. (The Kids World board meets monthly, and did not meet in January of 2010.)

It should be noted for those of you that are not aware, the Mayor's faux surprise is made more disingenuous by the fact that she has attended more Kid's World board meetings then she has missed since making the original appointment in 2008.

(Mr. Johnston…If it’s gotten so bad that “Blind Barb” notices that you’re screwing up, you've got issues.)

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved


  1. Maybe you should ask Jim about it? Instead of speculating,maybe there is a reason.

  2. This is a recounting of the facts with commentary about the mayor's lack of observational skills. I don't believe that I've ever written a speculative article about why Jim Johnston can barely be bothered to show up for the council, committee, and board meetings to which he is assigned.

    Good story idea, though...maybe I'll tackle that one at some point. ;)

  3. you always trash him are you afraid to talk to him face to face and call him a scumbag. Or hide behind your words on the internet.

  4. I've already called him a liar to his face on the record, (admittedly, Sandy failed to record it in the minutes, LOL)

    The problem with Jim Johnston is, when he is actually being a scumbag and letting the citizens of Sac City down, he is nowhere to be seen...

  5. why is he being reappointed?

  6. Wow calling someone a liar, scumbag, blind barb, sounds like you are a bully also hmmmmmm.... Just because you are an adult? doesn't excuse you. Shame on you CURTIS!!!! I would think you would grow up sometime....

  7. I guess the truth is just too painful for you to face... Which explains how people like Jim and Barb keep getting elected.

  8. Seldom made it to the Rec Center meetings either.
