Employment practices
1. Employment practices.
1a. There are 11 sets that must be part of the policy.
2. Employment policies updated to meet federal and state law by both boards.
Licensed staff recommendations part 1
1. Licensed staff recommendations
1a. We will need 4 teachers that are combination teachers for 3rd and 4th grade. (up from 3)
1b. WLVA will be adding the equivalent of a 3rd grade teacher.
1c. Only people eligible are WLVA contract teachers at first.
2. Will need a middle school Special Ed teacher.
2a. We were forced to do an involuntary transfer for that position in the past because we had no applicants.
2b. We have no one that is qualified that is willing to move to that district.
2c. Number of mandates for IEP has gone up so much and has become so expensive, that it is not worth it.
2d. Our teachers take a lot of work home with them.
3. We need an at-risk teacher at the middle school.
3a. Advertising recommended. Because we advertise doesn’t mean we have to hire.
4. Master contract specifies that a certain amount of time be taken for replacing the retirees.
3b. Point argued that other schools fulfill at-risk positions with administrative staff, (principals, counselors, etc.)
3c. Our teachers are loaded down.
Licensed staff recommendations part 2
1. I don’t really care what those other schools do, I want our kid’s to do better.
1a. our 4th grade is full of at-risk issues.
1b. Middle school teachers are already working with at-risk kids as much as possible.
1c. At risk position might be able to prevent at-risk students from entering credit recovery.
1d. The funding for an at-risk position is already in place.
1e. It will cost $500ish dollars per at risk kid.
1f. If we can’t find the right person, we aren’t going to just hire someone to fill the position, it would be too painful.
Licensed staff recommendations part 3
1. At risk teachers are usually seasoned and will be making in the $26K range.
2. Student comes into compliance after talk with superintendent.
3. The least the school can do is educate them.
4. The only position that’s debatable is the at-risk position.
5. I get nervous with either board making a motion before we know what the transfers will be.
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