That policy paid off. In the last year the city received one single complaint about long grass between headstones. On a normal year it is estimated that the city receives 20 to 30 complaints related to the care of the cemetery.
Unfortunately, this policy has also led to a drop in interest from area contractors who want a contract of more than one year. Without a multi-year contract, they are unable to finance equipment in the event of a break down. With mowers running to $15,000 that's a pretty big issue.
City council members Brian Muska and Nich Frohardt both expressed the desire for a two year contract so that the city could attract competitive bids. Muska stipulated that he would like to see a two year agreement with the right to terminate after one year if deemed necessary.
Outlined in the section of the agreement on page three entitled, "TERMINATION" is the procedure for termination of the contract should the caretaker fail to meet the terms of the contract.
On February 8, 2010, the Sac City Council approved the wording of the instructions to bidders and the wording of the agreement itself.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
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