On February 22, 2010 Chelsea Bengford appeared before the Sac City Council to give the Sac Community Center’s annual report. She spoke for a few seconds less than 2:00 minutes. Here's what she said:
1. They approved next year’s budget
2. They gave the front desk assistants a raise
3. Iron man challenge runs through the middle of March
4. They are going to be giving free introductory swimming lessons
5. The swim club will be meeting in April
6. They got some new equipment in the last few months in the fitness room
7. They are going to be working in the roof and definitely need some help
8. She said that she was happy that the Community Center was able to be used as a shelter during the ice storm. It was a good thing, and it was kind of neat to talk to the people that stayed. They learned a lot and she thinks it went well.
Seriously, that was it.
Councilperson Bill Brenny actually said "We appreciate the information" like the presentation was anything more than an insult to the intelligence of those gathered.
Mayor Barb Powell thanked her for coming.
That was an easy $30,000 for the Community Center's 166 memberships.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
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What the City of Sac City spends toward a community rec center is very little compared to other communities in the State. Communities need rec centers and libraries, not just employees and equipment.