At the end of 2009, the Sac City Council received requests for funding from the Summer Rec Program and found that they are, not surprisingly, asking that the $1,500.00 dollars they didn't draw from last year be included on top of the usual $3,500.00 for which they typically ask.
The following is a transcript of the debate.
- At any time you see "..." stammering was removed for readability.
- At any time that you see words inside brackets, "[]" it is a note from the editor.
- At any time you see a dash after what was said, "-" it means that the person was cut off by the next person to speak.
Adam Ledford short what they are requesting we do in the letter that you received tonight is
that we give them, not only the$3,500 that they're committed to this year, but also give them the
$1,500 dollars that they never received last year.
Jim Johnston because they didn't ask for it.
Brian Muska ...I don't know how you feel about it, but I have a hard time doing that because that's
going to effect the budget purposes for this year, 2010. I mean I understand that it was budgeted
last year and they only took $2,000 of the $3,500, but they knew that a letter had to be there to
request it.
Jim Frederick What year of budget are we talking about? Are we talking current?
Adam Ledford This was last year that they ...were
Jim Frederick Budget 08?
Adam Ledford Budget 08 - 09.
Jim Frederick and now we're in 09 - 10.
Adam Ledford Now we're in 09 - 10, yes. and they've received ...just over $2,300 dollars of this
year's $3,500 that is approved for them.
Barb Powell Are there outstanding things that they need to operate the program?
Jim Johnston What this, I'm on the board, what this money is used for is they put it into the capitol
improvement which goes towards the uniforms, field improvements, and that type of stuff, so if
the money's not... i mean they're just going to be sort that much money and won't be able to buy
that stuff.
Brian Muska ...I can vouch for that, I know they need uniforms and everything like that.
Jim Johnston And really, they're one of the few that doesn't take their money in one lump sum,
they get ...two portions, where a lot of them, they just get one check.
Jim Frederick So they forgot to ask for the money-
Brian Muska ...Can we make it to the point where if we budget it that, so this doesn't happen
again, they get it in one lump sum?
Adam Ledford I mean if-
Jim Frederick They should ask for it ...that's a board decision that they should ask for it, but can
we legally go back to a year ago-
Adam Ledford That's why it's on the agenda. It's on the agenda because technically all your
doing at this point is increasing the approved amount for this year. ...It does not matter that they
were awarded it last year, that award is now gone from the eyes of our eyes.
However, it's a question of, do you want to honor... what they're asking you to do is increase this
years by $1,500 in order to honor what they should have received last year as part of their award.
Brian Muska But is it safe to say that although the $3,500 was a budgeted amount, one cannot
assume that they are going be entitled to that full amount, It's simply a budgeted amount. so
Jim Johnston They were awarded that amount.
Barb Powell They were awarded it.
Brian Muska Okay.
Jim Johnston I personally feel they have it coming.
Brian Muska Okay.
Adam Ledford It would be a question of good faith
Brian Muska Okay.
Adam Ledford There could be a question of good faith.
Bill Brenny and wasn't there... didn't Lane Collins [Lane signed the request] think that there was a
letter of request going out as kind of a little misunderstanding?
Adam Ledford There was some ...dispute over whether or not ...there was a letter that was sent
out in June of last year or not.
Bill Brenny We didn't receive it?
Adam Ledford We did not find a copy in our office.
Bill Brenny You know, and when you serve on boards or whatever, sometimes you think that
things get-
Jim Johnston I've been in the same position.
Bill Brenny ...a long time between meetings and so on, I'd... you know, it doesn't present any
problems for us, does it Adam as far as, you know, the financial-
Barb Powell As long as the money is there.
Adam Ledford you can technically make the argument that out general fund balance was
increased by $1,500 from the fact that they didn't receive the $1,500 last year and that
[UNINTELLIGIBLE], I mean, you could make that argument.
Brian Muska We also want to retain our kids and not make them go to another area because we
don't have sufficient stuff, either. I think, although they made a mistake, and they know they made
a mistake, i don't have a problem honoring their request.
Bill Brenny made the motion and Nich Frohardt seconded to increase this year’s funding of the
Sac City Summer Recreation program's funding an additional $1,500 making this year's funding
amount $5,000. It was approved unanimously.
Following is the original request for funding out of the Sac City 09 - 10 budget.
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