What we learned at the November 15, 2011 Sac City Trees Forever Meeting
The following people were present for the meeting: Todd Luckow, Russ Hass, Roger Jensen - Chairman, Bill Brenny - Council Liaison , Pat Rubendall , Wilma Fort, Ann Sanders - Secretary.
The Sac Trees Forever Committee came to order at 6:30PM.
The evening’s agenda was approved unanimously without discussion.
Bill Brenny pointed out that he is a non-voting member.
The minutes from the August 16, 2011 meeting were approved without discussion.
The Sac City Trees Forever budget breaks down the following way:
$3000 total cash, and 1000 in city labor.
$2000 is from a “Trees Please” grant from Mid America which requires a matching grant from the city, a thousand of which is taken from the gas utility and then an additional $1000 in kind support utilizing city labor. This money is “use it or lose it” and it must be used on public property. This constitutes their entire yearly budget.
The city will continue to remove the evergreen trees (pine) in the cemetery that have died.
Ledford reported that the city would prefer that trees that bear fruit, drop pods or root widely would not be preferable when considering future tree plantings in the cemetery.
The committee discussed the need to find one more member for appointment to replace the one member that they are currently missing. There may be a new liaison from the city council beginning January 1, 2012. Because there is now a woman on the council, this may throw of the balance of the sexes currently appointed to the commission.
Elected official orientation will be on December 7, 2011. Roger Jensen will be the person to guide the council through the workings of the Trees Forever Committee.
Committee open forum discussions
Q: Have we committee funds for the north 5th street project?
A: Not at this time.
The trees that blew over on the east side of 5th street are surviving, but the final test will be this winter.
The committee suggested they pursue an article for the paper or have coverage in the quarterly newsletter to bring awareness to the residents in general about the activities of the committee. It was suggested that it be mentioned that May Beth Wassom donated money in the name of George. Brenny suggested the TSN carry a press release also.
The date of the next meeting was set for Tuesday March 13, 2012.
The meeting adjourned at 6:54PM.
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