1. Call to order.
2. Agenda approved unanimously.
3. Acknowledgment of guests.
4. Minutes of February 3, 2011 meeting approved unanimously.
5. No committee reports.
6. Financial statement .
- Library is right on track with the budget.
- $500 donation from Citizen’s Bank.
-- Spent on children’s books and videos.
- Replaced a circulation computer.
- Got a children’s computer.
7. Stats and programs
- WILBOR still going strong.
-- 20 E-book downloads
--- 25 last month.
- Audio book circulating better since release of E-books.
- Many new children’s programs starting in March.
-- 3rd and 4th grade program.
-- Wee read story hour starting March 4, 2011 at 10:00AM.
- Sac City Explorer program meeting at library this month
--Making a “Read” poster with photos of children on it.
- Children’s programs.
-- We Read touched on.
- Adult programs.
-- Sit and Knit.
-- Computer classes.
--- Laptop 101 class explained.
---- School will loan laptops for this program.
9. Grants.
- Got an Easy 123 grant from the Iowa Arts Council for $250 to hire a puppet theater from west liberty.
- Applied for a $1,000 Dollar General summer reading grant to cover other performers and provide passes to other area activities.
10. Accreditation application is easy.
- Board needs to revise the strategic plan in order to finish this item.
- discussion about specific policies to be voted on later.
11. Circulation computer keeps timing out.
12. Director attended legislative day at the capital.
- Library assoc. needed bodies.
- Spoke with a representative regarding how merging with the state hurts small libraries.
13. Awards from locals.
14. Board discusses the question of having people awarded court ordered community service work at the library.
- Boards deliberate about duties people might undertake as community service.
- Director to research liability.
15. Geek the Library Program.
- It is an awareness campaign.
- Board told that they have to designate a portion of the library revenue for it.
-- Will need to spend hundreds of dollars to do it correctly.
- It is a Bill and Linda gates Foundation program.
- Board takes no action.
16. Unanimous approval of claims.
17. Public Comments.
18. Board approves the libraries operations policy without comment.
19. Collection development policy approved unanimously without comment.
20. Approval of personnel policy.
- Board member wanted a caveat added to the policy to indicate that the director would be 40 hour per week and would not exceed the yearly salary line item.
21. Lucas Burrington has missed 6 meetings, which disqualifies him from the board.
- The board will be looking for a resignation letter from him so that the city can appoint a new person.
- Abby Glass has expressed interest in serving on the board, but due to the male female ratio law, it’s possible that she may not be considered.
22. Adjournment.
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