1. Call to Order.
- All members present.
2. Unanimous approval of minutes of the March 8, 2011 meeting.
3. Agenda amended to discuss being the fiscal discuss agent for Sac County Conservation .
4. Unanimous approval of amended agenda.
5. Supervisors direct the chair to sign a letter of support for and approve acting as fiscal agent for Sac County Conservation so that they can apply to the Sac County Endowment Foundation for a grant.
Letter of support for Sac County Conservation
6. Discussion about drainage claims.
Drainage Claims approved by the Sac County Supervisors on march 15, 2011
- Possible transposition of two numbers on a drainage claim, needs checked before approval.
-- Drainage secretary consulted.
-- Correction made and drainage claims are approved unanimously.
Proposed tile repairs approved by the sac county supervisors on March 15, 2011
7. Approval of proposed tile repair Drainage District 62 Section 20 Delaware Township for $450.00
8. Unanimous approval of tile repair Joint Drainage District 195 and 51 Sac Section 29 Jackson Township Calhoun County for $5,000.00.
9. Curtis Bloes questions the need for secrecy on the part of the Sac Economic and Tourism Development and Sac County Endowment Foundation regarding how they spend tax money.
10. Unanimous approval of claims.
Claims approved by the Sac County Supervisors on March 15, 2011
11. Sac County roads report.
March 15, 2011 Sac County Engineer report
- Discussion about $11,000 pipe south of Odebolt.
12. Projects update.
13. Requests for quotes have been sent out for pavement markings.
14. Discussion about the quality of gravel roads.
15. Odebolt betterment Committee has requested is asking that the county figure out a way to make the piles of material on highway 39 look better.
- County engineer will attend an OBC meeting to discuss it.
16. Discussion about renewing Wellmark Bluecross/Blue Shield insurance.
Sac County Health Insurance to go up 16%
- Introduction of county’s new account manager.
- Review of current plan.
- Review of new benefits covered.
- Review of reasons for the rate change
- Review of paid claims.
- Review of types of contracts in the county
-- 23 single employee coverage plans
-- 28 employee +spouses no children plans.
-- 3 employee +children no spouse plans.
- Review of deductibles and co-pay.
- Discussion about the exclusion of chiropractors from the plan.
- Discussion about trend of people skipping primary care physician and going straight to specialists, and how that leads to higher costs.
- Review of how all of the preceding information affects Sac Counties specific plans, and the choices that the county has in moving forward.
- Review of what the numbers would look like of the county moved to the next higher level of deductable.
- Review about how claims activity may cause an adjustment to group risk costs.
17. Supervisors direct the representatives to create several different options for them to choose from.
18. Review of plan continues.
- Review of self funded plan.
19. Supervisors take no action.
20. Adjournment.
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