1. Call to Order.
- Frohardt and Johnston absent.
2. Consent agenda
- Approval of agenda
--Item 5A removed.
- Approval of minutes of the February 28, 2011 meeting.
- Approval of claims.
-- Frederick reviewed claims and reported to the council that they are in order.
3. Projects.
- Housing rehab.
-- Approval of Region XIIs bill in the amount of $$2,172.00.
-- Approval of city’s portion for $2,172.00.
- Wastewater treatment plant.
-- Approval of CDBG drawdown #14 for $11,699.00.
-- Approval of SRF drawdown #13 for $106,653.60.
-- Approval of Region XII’s bill in the amount of $1,537.
-- Approval of Snyder & Associate’s bill in the amount of $14,576.60.
-- Approval of Eriksen Construction’s bill in the amount of $102,239.00.
4. Citizen’s address.
- No discussion.
5. Jerry Maher of Cornwell, Frideres, Maher, & Associates reviews the results of the 2009 – 2010 fiscal year audit.
- The state came in and did a full audit a couple of months earlier.
- A couple of transfers were posted in the wrong account.
-- Those were reclassified and no other material errors were made.
- Governmental funds went up 1.6 to 1.9 million.
-- This is because of the airport and housing grants.
- Expenses are going down on regular operations.
- City has a $695K cash balance at year’s end.
- Question about the difference between major and non-major bills.
- Receipts increased.
- Debt increased because the sewer bonds were issued.
-- This will show as debt until it is forgiven.
-- This is a fund that will allow city employees to take early retirement and stay on health insurance after retirement.
- City was over budget in a couple of categories.
-- Airport project.
--- wasn’t caught because it is on an outside checking account.
-- Housing project.
--- wasn’t caught because it is on an outside checking account.
- City doesn’t have proper segregation of duties.
-- They are hit on this every year and it would require hiring more people to correct.
- One bill wasn’t published in the minutes.
-- Interest from the SRF that was electronically published.
- Draw downs should be listed in claims.
- Audit report approved unanimously.
6. Council tables forgiveness of Kathryn Hansen’s sewer bill.
- This is a family member of council person Gary Hansen.
-- Council decides to address this issue at the next council meeting.
7. Council unanimously approves resolution to participate in the DOT program to replace signs.
-- Passage allows the city administrator to apply for $5K worth of funding to replace signs.
8. Spring clean up fees set.
- It will be $10 for pick-up and $25.00 for appliances with no refunds.
- Extended discussion about why no refunds will be given.
9. Discussion about recycling service options.
- Mayor spoke with Dean Stock and asked why the commission is not approaching the various councils.
- There will be a conference later this week where the county city managers will discuss this item.
10. No further waste issues.
- Solid waste.
- Nothing to report.
-- Not on film.
- Kids World.
- Sac Community Center.
- Arts Council.
- County League.
- Chamber highway 20 meeting coming up on March 21, 2011.
- Street project report.
- Safe Routes to School Project.
-- There is a $250 grant available to create safe routes to school (to be divided between Lake View and Sac City.)
- Discussion about putting out a reminder that with higher fuel prices, there will be more golf carts on the street.
- Chamber coffee to be at the council chamber on March 31 at 9:30AM.
- Region XII material report.
12. Adjournment.
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