1. Call to order
- All present.
2. Minutes of the February 22, 2011 meeting approved.
2. Agenda approved.
- Unanimous.
3. Approval of claims.
- Reviewed individually and signed before meeting, not discussed in open meeting.
march 1, 2011 claims list
5. Signing of Nationwide document.
- It is an annuity taken out of the checks of three employees.
- Motion for chairperson to sign it.
-- Unanimous.
6. Brief discussion about high school basketball.
7. Review of Tri-leaf agreement discussed at the February 22, 2011 meeting regarding the Schultz property.
This particular issue was discussed at the February 22, 2011 Sac County Supervisors Meeting
8. Recess.
9. Continued discussion regarding the Schultz property about Tri-Leaf contract with tri-leaf representative.
- Supervisors concerned about having the door open to be responsible for the cost.
-- Supervisors ask the representative to rewrite the proposal to clear up the ambiguity of the contract.
- Tri Leaf rep says that the well is clear.
-- They will install a monitoring well.
--- If the well samples clean for benzene, then they will be done and the wells can be removed.
- The supervisors dispute the counties responsibility for land on the riverbank.
-- They feel that the river bank adjacent to the property is not part of the Schultz parcel, but is in fact the responsibility of the Army Core of Engineers.
10. Legal action between drainage districts and the railroad discussed.
- The railroads got the appeal and it will go to the supreme court.
11. Legal dispute between Monona County and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources discussed.
- If the DNR loses this case at the district court level, John speculates that maybe things will change.
12. Approval of contract for targeted case management services.
- Due for renewal on July 1, 2011.
- Approve unanimously.
13. Supervisors increase salaries for secretary and case manager at Sac County CPC office..
- $1,000.00 per year increase for the case manger.
- $0.50 per hour increase for the secretary.
-- Approved unanimously.
--- Effective on March 28, 2011.
14. Public hearing for 2011 – 2012 budget hearing discussion.
- Hearing set for next week on March 8, 2011.
-- No questions or concerns from the public yet.
15. Mental health asking remains the same at $579K.
16. Further discussion about raises to the county CPC.
17. Landfill recycling issue update.
18. Adjournment.
- Unanimous.
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