- Planning and zoning board considering a recommendation that would alter the industrial area designed to phase out business.
- Considering new stricter rules that will affect all landowners within a half mile of the lake.
March 23_ 2011 Lake View Planning and Zoning Commission Packet
1. Call to order.
2. Roll Call.
- All present.
3. Review of minutes of the previous meeting.
- Concerns expressed regarding an item that wasn’t included in the minutes.
4. Unanimous approval of minutes of previous meeting.
5. Discussion about rezoning Outlot 20, more commonly known as Rardin’s Salavage.
- The city council has directed the city administrator to inform the board that the council wishes for the board to review the rezoning process and make a recommendation to the council yea or nay.
- Board member points out that Rardin’s has done everything that the city has requested.
- If there is a zoning change from industrial to commercial, they can continue to operate as a salvage yard but would not be able to sell it as such.
- The question comes up about whether they are an industrial or commercial venture.
-- At issue is the claim that they are not processing cars, but merely selling parts, making them a commercial venture.
-- If they are commercial, then they would not be allowed to keep the volume of vehicles on the lot.
- Board member characterizes these actions as using the law to try to run Rardin’s business out of town.
- The DOT is not threatening to close the yard.
-- Why are the other businesses considered industry instead of commercial?
-- Board asks the question about dust concerns from businesses that are adjacent to the salvage yard.
- The board doesn’t seem to think that that area of town is appropriate for any industrial venture, and if the entire area were rezoned, it would stop any industrial venture from ever moving into that area.
- Is Midstates a commercial or industrial venture?
-- There is a question about their scope of business given that there is no manufacturing at that location.
6. recap
- Right now Rardin’s is industrial.
-- The DOT is not asking that the area be rezoned.
-- Rardin’s are not asking that the area be rezoned.
-- The city is asking for the area to be rezoned.
-- The DOT will not enforce any operational rules.
-- If the area is rezoned commercial, it will force Rardins to become a business.
--- This means they have six months to meet DOT operational rules.
--- If the board recommends rezoning, they would in effect be responsible for serving Rardin’s with a six month notice.
7. Board member points out that several properties, including the city property, looks worse than Rardin’s property.
8. It is reiterated that the board should probably consider rezoning the whole area if they are going to rezone anything.
8. Discussion about setting a time and date to have a hearing.
- Can the Planning and Zoning kill the process?
-- Even the dissenters feel it would be proper to work the process.
9. Date for public hearing tentatively set for April 12, 2011 at 6:30PM.
10. Discussion about the East End property.
- Is Tjadens a salvage yard?
11. Continuing discussion about Outlot 20.
- Board member points out that Rardin’s continues to jump through all of the hoops that the city requires, and the city council keeps coming up with more requirements.
12. Three members seem to be in favor of letting the property continue be grandfathered just the way that it is.
-- The term “live and let live” is bandied about frequently.
13. Lunch.
- Continued discussion about Outlot 20.
14. Discussion about Lake Preservation project.
- Recommendations:
-- Implementing the recommendations of the diagnostic feasibility study.
--- happening.
-- creation of lake advocacy group.
--- Done.
-- Mandate that there be a zero phosphorous policy.
--- This could come within the purview of the P&Z board because they have control of subdivision review rights outside of but adjacent to the corporate limits.
15. Discussion about establishing standards for storm water drainage within city limits.
- Board member suggests that the city has to lead the way.
-- City Administrator disagrees and suggests that it is a planning and zoning issue.
- A majority of storm sewers dump into the pits.
- The downtown area dumps behind the city shops.
- The area in the vicinity of Blossom Street dump into the town bay via four outlets.
- Most of the pollution comes from runoff.
16. Discussion about implementing an environmental protection zone.
- They would have additional regulations within a half mile of the lake front.
17. Discussion about bringing in some professional help to work through drainage issues.
- There is a grant involved, with money available should the board want to pursue this.
18. City administrator reviews the results of the city council’s decision to only drain to the storm sewer instead of draining everything to the west, which means that a lot of the runoff will end up over to the east at the restaurant by Boulders.
- This could lead to water and vehicle residue running from Boulder’s parking lot into the lake.
- Board member points out that they lost the opportunity to require a rain garden on Boulder’s property to keep their water from flooding the adjacent property owner’s lot.
19. The P&Z board expresses interest in pursuing better or filtered drainage for the Blossom Street area.
- It is very expensive to filter storm water.
- It would be cheaper to stop the contamination at the source than to try to filter it at the water’s edge.
20. Has the city addressed the city’s pipe that is draining into the lake from the city streets?
- They are onboard, but have not discussed it in depth.
- They have not been asked to commit money to such a concept.
1. Adjournment.
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